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Posts posted by IanFerguson2013

  1. Doesn't Weiss have a Rangers tattoo ? I think he really was a Ranger but he did blame Ally for not keeping him so no one on here would want someone who wasn't happy with Ally surely ? Just kidding.

    Anyway wee Vlad is a top man and I would have him back. Of course he would get farmed out to Morton in a few months.

  2. If Ally was an employee at your company and was just doing enough to get by even though you had backed him with resources better than all your competitors - I'm sure your feelings would be different.

    But he is not 'just getting by' he has this league won without losing a single game so the only criticisms can be about team selection, tactics and player transfers. If we gave him a list at the start of the season if would have been to win the league at a trot, to win the Ramsdens and do well in one of the other cups. The list might have asked for more entertaining football which we certainly have not seen consistently.

  3. No idea about most of it. Charles Green's only crime for me is that he did not stick around like he said he would. He has however every right to make a profit out of a business transaction and nothing he did was particularly bad for Rangers.

  4. Temps was through on goal. He would have tried to score and had no obvious reason to fall over. He wants people to see his skills not to see him manufacture a penalty. He went down really quickly as if he was not in control of what was happening. There certainly was contact and it looks to me like he was fouled. I have only seen it 7 or 8 times of course. Maybe we are best to ask the Stenny player if he is on Twitter what he has to say?

  5. It's a fun post. Would the boys give the men a hard time? We would need to make sure no one was handing out rough tackles but it would be a good game to see. How many would turn out at Ibrox for a fun game like this? 10,000 maybe.

    ANyway more of the lads will get a chance when we put the league to bed I hope.

  6. When did we boo Barrie last season ? Everyone cheered when he came on because we knew we would get some entertainment. He needs developing whereas some people who are getting a game and not doing much seem to be on the team sheet because their face fits more than anything. As for Robbie Crawford I would have expected to see him feature more at least as a sub. Hopefully in a month's time Ally will be willing to give the lads a game.

  7. We were poor especially our 'defence' but that does not detract from the fact that we were denied a penalty and they were given one for next to nothing. The ref also missed handing out several yellows to the other side for bad fouls.

  8. Not a good time to think about dropping support for the club. If the OP wants to wait until the summer is nearly over before buying his ST just to be sure we are still a going concern, fine, but most people will want to put the money into the club's bank account when ticket sales start.

    So unlikely that we will go in to administration again. We do not have anything like the Big Tax Case hanging over us and with promotion to the Championship it's clear that our income will be on the up.

  9. I only have a handful of Rangers ones, about 10 plus a couple from Spain (Barcelona). If so many people are buying badges the club should be making official ones as just about all the badges available are on the boards outside the ground.

    In England they do match day badges, e.g.: 'Sunderland -v- Manchester Utd' based on Sunderland colours. Might be an idea that could work up here.

    I collect other badges as well (real space ones like the shuttles , Star Trek etc)

  10. I'm a ST holder but I now live 3 hours away from Ibrox in Northumberland. The football is so dire that I find it hard to get up the interest to book train tickets and get up to the game. There is so little entertainment at present and until we improve in that direction I can't see me getting to the game very often. I'm happy to pay for a season ticket & I bought shares but I need the team to perform to make it worth my while going to the games.

  11. Barcelona in '72 without a doubt. Most people had never been abroad. We got a coach from the south bank of the Clyde to Prestwick. When we got on to the tarmac and saw the pink plane there were plenty of derisory comments but the rather old charter plane got us to Spain with no problems. As we approached Barcelona someone saw the stadium and everyone rushed to one side of the plane causing the captain to come on the tanoy and ask us to get back to our seats sharpish as the plane was tilting over.

    On the return journey I had to hitch a lift on a different coach as I missed mine. The flight was fine but when we landed and saw the newspapers we could hardly believe the headlines, "Battle of Barcelona", "riot" etc. ( No double in the daily rhecord ) Yes we had been on the pitch and yes the polis chased us off the pitch and cleared the stadium but riot, come on.

  12. " ??? It’s an insult to the memory ??? " eh? which of our players who reached the Manchester final is deid ? They are all alive and kicking and apart from Alexander are mostly in our bad books and doing poorly in their new situations.

    It's maybe true that septic are having a worse time than would have been expected but to claim that we are being conned that the Ramsdens Cup can be part of a possible treble well it's a long stretch to believe we will win 3 trophies this year but if we do it's a treble. 3 = treble, simples

  13. I never understand the way we utilise goal keepers. Why not rotate them with the 'No1' getting more games but the others getting to play in the first team. They are all able to do a very good job and it would do them a power of good.

    As to the outfield players we have seen very little from Daly and Little in recent games while all of a sudden Temps a Shiels have bounced back. We farmed out wee Barrie even though he was very entertaining so he can't do anything for us for now.

  14. I have never been inside the doors of porkheid. If we reach the SC final it will be the first time ever for me. I will find it very weird.

    Started out as an accident. I could not make a game (in the days I was on the Barrhead supporters bus) and then I though 'why not skip the place all together' so I just didn't go when that game came round. I have been going to Ibrox for over 50 years to support the Gers & seen them against septic many times but maybe just this once I will visit the home of that scum & see us lift the cup.

  15. I have been to club Europe loads of times but I don't remember the format changing much for an early kick off. Once when we played and beat septic there was an early kick off with the food served after the game which was great as it turned into a big party all along the club Europe corridor. In more recent times there have been moves to restrict how much you can drink & scoff I presume just for cost reasons. No more 3 pies at half time.

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