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Posts posted by IanFerguson2013

  1. The share price will climb again as soon as we are back on top and living within our means. I bought my £500 quid's worth to help the club not as an investment so I don't mind what they are worth but I do expect them to eventually be worth more than they cost me.

  2. I don't see a challenge from Hearts. The main benefit they bring for us is having away games at an OK ground that's easy to get to. We also get to make it clear that they 'done us wrong' and we are not forgiving them. I don't wish the club any long term harm, just a wee taste of what we have had to put up with.

  3. A load of nonsense. I don't know any fans who think we should abandon the club. Anyone who wants a vote just needs to buy some shares like many of us did. Keep on supporting the team and we will be back where we belong in a season & a half. We have this league wrapped up. Next year we are bound to get some hard games to test the lads then we can get down to business beating the teams that matter, i.e.: the ones who voted us out of the SPL.

  4. A few years ago no one took any interest in the internals of the club. We just cared about results. Now we are agonising over who sits on the board & how much is in the bank. It seems to me that once we get in to next season and are showing that we will win that league out finances should start to look up, all assuming that the board are not crooks and are looking after the club.

    In the meantime I just don't see how William B Average fan can really follow & understand all the nonsense that's going on. As a shareholder I can see that my shares are worth next to nothing compared to what I paid for them and I won;t be happy until the value starts to climb. I don't care about the money but it's the most tangible pointer to our health that I can see.

  5. No, there is no scenario where we would be happier as Rangers fans with the team playing home games elsewhere. We are stuck in the Scottish leagues and we are not getting out so we need to improve Ibrox when we can and enjoy out proper home. We do not need to make it bigger just so it has more seats than some other mostly empty ground. We have the biggest fan base in Scotland and we are in the top 5 in the UK. I would like to see us always playing at Ibrox.

  6. No excuse for our fans to be bad just because theirs were worse. Lasers were also shone into the eyes of plan pilots on the evening of the match from the general area of the cesspit which could have been fatal but we should not be pointing out that their fans are worse and the press are not reporting it. We know this already. The Scots press has become totally biased and it will be very interesting to see what happens when we are on top pulling the strings.

  7. Good interview but I don't see why Rangers should contribute to their profits. We do stand a slight chance of wining the match as they are not that great but we would need luck and our boys playing at their best to triumph. Best leave them till at least next season. Apart from anything there is bound to be crowd trouble & the related bad press and we have enough press nonsense at present.

  8. We can argue about whether Barrie deserves a place on the bench but no one can be in doubt that he was the source of most of the entertainment last season when we sat through a lot of boring games. He should at least get the occasion spot on the team sheet to keep him interested.

  9. We do need to stand up for ourselves from time to time but I favour a softly softly approach until we are back to the point of having full membership of everything, 3 years of clean accounts etc, then we can show our true power again.

    Remember that once we are back on top the scum from the east end will not be winning the league or getting a free pass to the Champions League and they will suffer time and again at our hands. We just have to do everything in a clean, legal way. Beat them on the field & point out all of their worst faults (so many we can't deal with ten all I expect).

    And of course we still have no debt.

  10. It's an odd one this. I have been to Ibrox for so many games against ceptic and several at Hampden but I really don't have a mental record of which games I was at so other than hunting out the programmes & checking which ones I attended I don't actually know which goals I missed.

    I can say for certain that I missed every & any goal we scored at porkheid as I have never set foot in the place (There and Pittodrie are the two I have never been to). When I was a lad the supporters bus from Barrhead missed out Aberdeen as it was too far to go in a day.

  11. Ten in a Row, definitely. Having sung 'gonna be ten in a row' I would like to have seen it really happen. I have the nine in a row T-shirt but it's not quite the same.

    Certainly would have liked to see Marco Negri fulfil his career with the Gers instead of it just fizzling out like that.

    The one where Walter decided to play an attacking formation in Manchester instead of ordering them not to cross the centre line.

  12. Compared to even last season we don't really seem to have a style of play. If you ignore the Alexander punts up the park last year we played quite well at times and the fitba was exciting. This year the team does not seem to know where the goals are until Ally gets out the photos at half time & shows them.

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