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Posts posted by bluewhitevanman

  1. Hibs away is probably been the best. As I said on another thread the away days quickly wore off I have tbh and say that I hated it and even the wee clubs coming to us was brutal except the rememberance  card displays as they are always special  but no I'm glad it's almost over and we can get back to playing in half decent stadiums with thousands of bears singing the team on. 

  2. I know this would never happen but they should open up the rest of the stands that aren't full for rangers fans and tbh the sfa should make all clubs do it so the stadiums are full or near full. The guard of honour we should insist that it happens we were good enough to do it for hearts so it should be done. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, BEE said:



    As much as it was good going to some of the wee teams imo it quickly wore off, maybe the style of football or the fact that every1 was trying keep us down and we were getting shafted off any1 who was want to make a quick buck but am glad we are back to our rightful place "saving Scottish football" 

  4. 2 minutes ago, BEE said:

    Only FV on here mate. If you're desperate look into hospitality, however that may well be sold out too now.

    I seen hospitality mate at 260 per seat (I'm sure) but that included a lunch a bus trip there and back and something else but it's just a bit steep and I think u might be right as that was a week ago. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, plumbGER said:

    Think you need to register in different names but not sure.

    I got me and my boys cards no bother and its saved a load of time and hassle both waiting on tickets getting delivered and queing up on the day.

    The pre season game vs Burnley was the only time they fucked up,mines activated online but his didnt so had to go to ticket office and missed the first 20 mins.

    I wasn't sure if I could've used the ST for burnley game so me n the 2 boys missed the KO by 10 minutes as we were waiting on tickets. The smart card is a good idea and would save the club loads on postage. All pre season games in future I will be in really early,hate missing the start  of games 

  6. Hope it's Motherwell at home and we can put them in their place as we will have beat Dundee Utd in the Scottish cup final this season:pipe:. Say we beat them and hivs beat Dundee hivs would that be the first all championship or all 1st division Scottish cup final?

  7. first game at home next season will be some atmosphere and imo all our games at home will be rocking as we put the haters back where they belong and probably every game at home will have a full away end as the haters will think they can turn us over at home and we will be the scalp all season for teams to take 

  8. 18 minutes ago, danger ranger said:

    You really love the FANBOY SHITE don't you, well brown shoes don't make it, we are not a good side and it has been showing all season, he is lucky to be playing in a shite league, knocking merry fuck out of crap sides and yet when you look at his record against the top four it doesn't make good reading and is getting worse as the pressure mounts, sure the league is won and it should be given the fact of superiority he has enjoyed and yet there is still question marks.

    Fuck sake why all the negativity? We have cantered the league we are in the semi against them ( could get Europe) we have basically had to start again since the beginning of the season I would say that's actually not bad going and all done for not a lot of money barring MOH we haven't spent any money and he's just in the door. Except st Johnstone we have stepped up when it mattered and we were a new team against them, maybe your just a bit pissed off as the league wasn't sorted today but we are definitely heading in the right direction. I hate when people come on here just to slate the team,  a wee bit of positivity wouldn't go a miss. Why don't you come on and say all this next season if you feel the same as you don't really gave an argument just now while we have won the league and still in our major cup competition? 

  9. Danny Wilson will be a better player with someone better than Keirnan beside him, I went right off Keirnan after the defeat away to Falkirk a couple of months back and I don't think he has deserved his place in the team. Wilson isn't anywhere near as bad as he's made out on here imo. I think most people are just annoyed about not winning the league today and possibly a wee bit worried about the tinks now that we have shipped 9 in 3 games but Wallace and Wilson have played in old firms and they will make sure it's kept tight and we can pass them out the game and we will definitely have chances to score. Keep griffiths quiet and take 2 of our chances and we'll beat them. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, FlippinEck said:

    Should have been done today. Atmosphere on Tuesday will be nowhere near as good as what it was today I'd imagine. We didn't want to limp over the line but it seems as if thats what we are going to do.

    It will be buzzin on Tuesday and we can put the past 4 years behind us and get cracking for next season. I had to sell my ticket for today so can't comment on today's atmosphere  but I would have thought a near full ibrox knowing that we are going up would be better than 6000 bears at Starks park not knowing for sure we were going up. The best atmosphere to be amongst the Bears  for the away game will be hibs as the support through there won't let hibs forget who is going up, it would be brilliant to have a ticket for that 1. 

  11. 38 minutes ago, McDermid said:

    I don't give Wes all the blame and the lack of closing down has been something that has annoyed me throughout the season, so I can agree with you there to a degree

    do u like any rangers players thats wes and danny wilson u dont like 

  12. 2 hours ago, Briton said:

    Yes, we (Rangers that is), have more titles than any other club in the world.  Claiming we are the most successful club in the world though is cringeworthingly embarrassing.  

    Why? Are we the most successful club in the world or not??? We have won the most titles in Scotland we have won countless cups in Scotland ( we can only beat who we are playing in Scotland) we have won a European cup and contested other European finals ( as recently as 2008) we have played in the champions league plenty of times. Not as if we have only won league titles and trying to claim to be the most successful. Be proud of who we are and what we have achieved and don't let anyone forget we are the most successful.:ukflag:

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