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Posts posted by bluewhitevanman

  1. 29 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

    The club has to make half season tickets available to survive mate.It's good business sense .They are definitely not included in any away ticket allocation .Think I also just remembered .The junior tickets would get a ticket if it's been renewed over a long period of time .Could be wrong about that .If you just got it for this season ,then it wouldn't get you a semi final ticket even if you are CCCS  .Only speaking through my own experiences here 

    Fair enough it's a good job I'm not a business man lol. Me and my 2 boys have season tickets bit not on cccs so it's my luck not to get 1 but cccs should defo get first pick anyway so that's fair, me the 2 boys and 2 nephews(they 2 don't have ST) have been to all the home games in the cup and already have our petrofac tickets for hampden so hoping that swings it for me, ma fiancé no letting the boys go anyway, if I get a chance of 1 and so do my boys I'm just going to upgrade the kids ones  to adults and sell the other 2 on here or wherever. 

  2. I came out Hamdump that day and all every1 was saying was "2 nil Ada took that a4 the game" n things like that, still see McDowell and durie just standing about it was a disgrace, I honestly thought we would've given them a proper game that day turned out really miserable, worst game I've been to with Rangers and only because we had been rotten for a couple of years but surely every1 thought even they imposters would have tried their heart out in an OF but nope. Shambles but thank god we are over such nonsense with a great management team and fans all pulling the same way it makes such a difference 

  3. Just now, Courtyard Bear said:

    Already been told by my youngest that because he went on my ticket yesterday he should be going to the semi. :lol:

    Quite right that's the way I would do it, chapelton will be bouncing that day if I get a chance of 1. The 2 boys I don't know if I would take them just yet, maybe upgrade to adult tickets then sell them. As long as we beat them that's what matters after that pathetic attempt last year. I was unfortunate that I got 1 for that game, woeful, different story this time though 

  4. Keep that cretin quiet that plays up front and don't give to many corners away and we will be fine and I'm sure MW won't have any of our players laughing and jokin with the tinks at half time. We just need to beat them and let then know we are back with a proper management team. Cannot wait for this WATP

  5. 24 minutes ago, sandyinroyalblue said:

    Must be a confusing day for Stokes.

    Who do you send the card to?



    He will send 1 to his biological mother and she'll take it upstairs to his other mother n guaranteed she'll give her it back right away and sat that's yours then they will fight over who's not keeping it, who would admit to that mutant? 

  6. He nearly scored 1 similar to that earlier in the second half when the keeper just got to the ball before he scored so when he done the wee run with the ball is think he knew he was scoring, also when u see players(down south) kissing the badge it means nothing really but when he does it u know its straight from the heart. Great  captain great player great guy :gerbad:

  7. 2 minutes ago, Inigo said:

    Aye. Sounded like they were singing 'he's one of your own' to us. Very confusing. They were probably pissing and whining about us singing the Halliday song as well, thinking it was about the Pope.

    The Dundee fans were shit overall. Took them about 40 minutes to sing anything about their own team. 

    What a fucking waste of a 90 mile journey.

    Hmmm. Got them out of Dundee for a while, right enough.

    Got to agree they were pish and that's them with a bigger allocation than usual and tbh they were probably shocked at how good we are, I mean if they knew/ Thot they were going to get beat then they wouldn't have sold as many tickets so they came down genuinely thinking they would turn us over at ibrox and have a party, when are teams going to realise that no1 bar the bears celebrate and party at ibrox?? :dioufcheer:

  8. Went throo that link and I think some of them were fair comments abt tav n Waldo then u get the usual pish about our crowd being cretinous and songs that were sung? I don't know what I done or clicked but I ended up at a bit they were going on about singing a funny song to us about jimmy saville?? Did anyone hear what they were singing? I Thot some rangers fans singing the saville song  back to them when they tried to very poorly sing it's a grand old team, I was trying to keep my eye on 4 kids today so wasn't aware of everything that was going on

  9. I was sitting in broomloan rear above the UB's today and noticed a guy getting taken away with police and paramedics(I think) was wondering what happened to him and does anyone know if he's ok or maybe he just had to much to drink, I Thot he had been lifted but someone said she thought he was Ill and said it was paramedics with him, hope he's ok anyway don't want to see that at games. I don't mean to be mosey but was want know that he was ok. 

  10. As a wee boy we all had our favourite players picture on the bedroom wall along with the team picture, I can see the picture of him holding aloft the league trophy on ma wee boys room wall and it will be a special picture, if any1 deserves it then it's him as I can only echo what the other posters on here are saying about staying when the "gers men" all jumped and he always gives 110%and IMO when MW walked in and made him his captain straight away he obv seen something special in his leadership. Hope he gets all he has dreamed of out his career at rangers.

  11. 12 minutes ago, blueretro said:

    Not really. The league games we keep all the cash, it's only the cup games we split the gate receipts.

    Very true mate but like I said before leave the boardroom pish to the boardroom n get supporting the team. I meant the away support I got if some1 didn't want to follow the team away as it starves them of cash and all the money spent in the stadium but personally now I would go to all the away games to laugh at them, they tried to kill us but failed so fuck them 

  12. 3 hours ago, bluenosebrad said:

    A lot of the guys that normally go to the games are not going because they dont want to give half their cash to the scum.

    We are going to have some poor attendances next year then, would they same bears take the same action if we were playing celtic? I think not so rubbish excuse but at least ul be there supporting the team. We need to get behind rangers and fuck this protest especially at home games, I know wot folk mean when they aren't buying away tickets but I would go to all away games if I could but wouldn't give any1 it tight for not going for that reason but at home we need to give the team the support 

  13. They aren't great all they tats all together look horrible. I have tattoos on my back got a Union Jack love heart that says loyal heart next to that I have the rangers crest with simply the best above it and we are the ppl below it next to that got a bulldog with Union jacks behind it and written under that is these colours don't run and below the 3 of them I have bill struth " let the others come after us we welcome the chase". They are quite smart but like every1 else I'll regret them later in life. I haven't a clue how to put a picture up or I would :ulster:

  14. Love the management team and seriously didn't think he would come to us coz we were in the Scottish championship and his stock was quite high and he would've without a doubt got a crack at an epl team but this man has loads of qualities and brains is 1 of them. He's thought massive club  wonderful history huge loyal fanbase needing ripped out from top to bottom as well as full control of everything and in possibly 1 or 2 seasons Europe where he can show his talents as a manager by building a young team to compete on the big stage, who wouldn't want that? I think he has got credit and realizes how lucky he is to be here and as lucky as us having him. Mark warburton has everything to be a Rangers great, no surrender Mark and Davie. :7325:

  15. On 1 March 2016 at 6:05 PM, Bearsden bear said:

    I got three tickets for there. Is that area not for us?

    I booked my tickets with Rangers and they couldnt tell me where my seats would be.. with the mix up i am worried they have put me in wrong bit now?

    Exactly what happened to me mate I bought 4 just paid them and put the fone down n called strait bk and asked where I was sitting n he said no1 knew and we would b informed nearer the time then said my tickets would be ready for collection on Monday. Abso fuck up but I'll be passing ibrox In 10 mins n am going to jump in and see them coz come cup final day it's going to be chaos, nothing surer 

  16. 10 hours ago, OlegKuznetsov said:

    Alun Cochrane, who's actually Glasgow born? 

    Alun-Cochrane-e1424785680189.jpg I don't think he looks like simonsen, John bishop does though and I think that's who coop loyal was thinking about lol and I think between him and the aird 1 are the best so far 

    • This Dundee team haven't faced a young super fit team who play lovely football and go to the final whistle  this season so these. Jakey cunts don't know what they are in for on sat keep Hemings quiet and take a couple of our chances and we'll beat them. Fucksake Hartley n his team will be knackerd  watching us. I think with Dundee bringing 2000 down it'll make for a good atmosphere, if u and ur mates or sons, daughters, wives  girlfriends or whoever haven't got tickets get it sorted and get behinds the team as it will be fantastic if we got through and anyone sitting at home on Saturday get tickets coz this could be the sweetest ever Scottish cup we could win and u would want tickets for the final, COME ON RANGERS. :dioufcheer:
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