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Posts posted by bluewhitevanman

  1. 3 minutes ago, Andyboigee174 said:

    Got a ticket for the William hill lower stand area p5 looking to get north stand lower Area c5 looking for  a swap if anyone is interested ?

    Just be glad u got 1 efter aw ur greetin and 20 threads ya prick :party:

  2. 1 hour ago, ThatNightInFlorence said:

    New message from: lyndamc08 (34)

    No way not want thousand . Max 550 

    1 hour ago, PromDeAnglais said:





    Rangers vs. Celtic semi final 2016

    Current bid: £5,100.00

    Auction ends 16 Apr, 2016 22:57 BST

    Bids: 22
    Postage: Pickup only


    Place bid




    Current bid £5,000 :uk::uk:


  3. 1 minute ago, PromDeAnglais said:

    New message to: lyndamc08


    I didn't expect you to answer that last question so I hope you enjoy the rest of the auction :):):):) 

    I don't know how to bid on that eBay but ppl should keep bidding so she can't sell. Ugly bastard that she is 

  4. 3 minutes ago, ThatNightInFlorence said:

    New message from: lyndamc08 (34)

    No way not want thousand . Max 550 

    2 minutes ago, PromDeAnglais said:





    Rangers vs. Celtic semi final 2016

    Current bid: £5,100.00

    Auction ends 16 Apr, 2016 22:57 BST

    Bids: 22
    Postage: Pickup only


    Place bid




    Current bid £5,000 :uk::uk:


  5. 5 hours ago, cumnockbear said:

    Fuck the atmosphere, i'd rather see them rot in the lower leagues losing cash by the season and downsizing finishing in a lower position each time, hopefully this is the last time these wee bastards get the Blue ££££, hope that Dundee Hivs mob rot with them for many seasons just for my amusement then go bust together.

    No1 likes us tho but we have to have teams to play and I would rather the better ones. These cunts aren't going to die in our lifetime. As for the Blue ££££ to many of us (probs a good few on here) like Easter road as an away day so they will always get the away support. Dundee hibs will go this year so that's good enough for me. I want us to hand out a few beatings along the way and let all these cunts know they have fucked with the wrong team. 

  6. I'm split slightly here as I don't like hibs at all but what about the atmosphere at ibrox with a big away support and Easter road being a very good away day? Is it better to have them up or play at Falkirks plastic pitch or a poor Starks park? As I say I don't have any good feelings for hibs but this has entered my mind, I would rather have hibs up as Hamilton or killie even. i know  this isn't a popular opinion on here but I think back to that 4-2 game and the atmosphere was fantastic and that's what I want at ibrox as hibs players went to bits and couldn't handle our support. Them Aberdeen hibs hearts get the support going and when  ibrox is bouncing and u can't beat that. 
















  7. 6 minutes ago, Pearson83 said:

    Guy in my work is selling one for £150 it's bang out order but some people seem intrested 

    If I didn't have 1 I would buy it mate it's going to be worth the money with that atmosphere. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, TheCutch said:

    Now I wonder why that is???

    Can't believe this waste of oxygen has not been banned yet. 

    Nightmare mate he won't get banned now or he would've been already I think. Am not wasting anymore posts on it anyway. 

  9. Just now, Southsideger said:



    Why u on trying to wind people up? It is absolute taig behaviour without a doubt. 

  10. Get a bus keep the doors locked for any bottles flying through the air as we know police Scotland wouldn't be able to catch the perpetrator. Don't sing TBB or you'll lose ur job. Just some advice. If u have to drive park at the Victoria hospital and walk up 

  11. 47 minutes ago, wullyRFC said:

    About 6 year ago I got 2 extra OF tickets using our ST details and couldnt get rid of them so stuck them on Gumtree and rounded the price up to 90 quid which was about 4 quid more than FV + BF and Rangers contacted me telling me our smart cards had been made inactive untill we returned the paper tickets and had to go speak to the head of the TO. 

    Hope that happens to this tadjer and the seat gets offered to a good supporter 

  12. 4 hours ago, Johnnyren said:

    I think a lot of us on the cccs are up there ,. I had a look at q section when i was at the game on Sunday ,  its the last section before the west ,. Looks a decent view

    Brilliant mate that's where I was last year and against this year I think it's good anyway and like last year it will be rocking fulla bigotry boy 

  13. 1 minute ago, William McBeath said:


    Our game is run like a bad comedy. We need to get some decent people in to change things. Can't remember his name but a sports promoter was going on about how badly run the whole thing is a while ago when we had no sponsor for our top league. Our media are exactly the same. Mostly clowns

    Bang on mate and it was Barry Hearn who was slagging it, it's someone like him we need to sort the mess out 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Dutchy said:

    I heard the guy on radio this morning saying it would be fine, but Warburton's prediction of bad weather and rain is already on us.

    This pitch is going to some sight by Sunday after the rugby teams that play on it on Saturday.

    What Mark Warburton doesn't know isn't worth knowing. I think ur right about it looking like a rugby park mate. Joke

  15. 7 minutes ago, giffnockger said:

    Fuck sake! How is that gona be ready for Sat/Sunday then?

    We get a showcase semi final to be watched by millions around the world and the shitty surface will be fucked the day b4 it by hibs and that scummy club from Dundee?? Only our national Blazers could fuck it up so badly 

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