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Posts posted by TheBillyBoys1872

  1. 10 minutes ago, Smile said:

    You don't get why I want this board to fufil the preboard promises.

    You don't get why I think giving us crisis loans to survive is not a great option.

    I'm struggling once again to see why you back this board that have lied to us since getting in.

    Okay. Lets make it simple. Without loans Rangers would downsize? Still following? 

    If the board spent money we don't have or can't manage based on our turnover, then we'd have to downsize like what happened when Big Eck had to downsize Rangers then. Only We're in a far worse position financially. 

    I can't make it anymore simplier for you. We make no money after our expenditure. Who covers the losses? Answer me that question.

  2. 2 minutes ago, William McBeath said:

    No not at all. None of us want to see us in more shite financially. I don't know how he didn't know about stuff before he bought us as we all knew about losses against income and knew the retail income was rubbish.

    If King invested heavily and upfront it would not put us in trouble if it paid for the contracts. We would do better in Europe so would end up raising our income again.

    I was just glad to see us wrestle control back from Ashley and never believed his promises of 30 to 50 million. I don't expect anyone to put that much of their own cash into the club. I did expect the manager to be able to spend a reduced amount of around 10 million on fees to make sure we had at least a genuine calibre of player. 

    I know the board have already spend a fair bit covering losses and increasing wages and it could be over 20 million by the time we break even again and I think highly of them for stepping up when billionaire supporters talked but walked. It's more King I'm talking about as he was the one who needlessly talked so big. 

    How much has he put in so far as it seems like it's always about equal with the rest when he said he'd equal or better the combined total of the rest.

    I'm still glad to be past all the worrying every week because as much as an average team is painful to support at times it's better than the shite we were being served by the old boards and the worry that something dodgy was afoot again.

    My main gripe is that if we don't improve rapidly by next season, Kings bluster will cost us in terms of unity when it was unnecessary. The support need to stop being fed nonsense by the people who run our club whether they do have the best of intentions or not. We've already been through enough.

    I say this mainly because I believe all this could come back to haunt King and cost the club once again in terms of disharmony and disruption.

    At least you understand the shite we're in. I agree if King doesn't spend some money and we keep going the way we're going then he's going to get hauled that's for sure. Some people on here calling dor 20.million with the state our business is on is madness. We couldn't afford to maintain thay expenditure for long unless we got champions league money every year which is a gamble. A big gamble.

  3. 1 minute ago, cushynumber said:

    Why? whats he doing for his 15% shareholding that makes him special? why should loosing him make us more fucked?

    Because our of all the board, he's the only one who's invested millions into us before. 20 million. He's the only one with the cash. Its why he is the chairman and he's not even in thr country. If King goes then who steps in? If nobody buys us then who handles our losses we're making right now? Until the business is on its oen feet then we will be relying on others to foot the bill. Its the board who are paying for the losses.

  4. 6 minutes ago, keithgersbear said:

    The supporters watched the team in the lower divisions. It is just getting used to playing at the top level in Scotland again, the team WILL be better next season and gradual improvement will happen. I did say within 5 years, so it could happen next season or the one after but I do think eventually the club will win the league within that time period.

    Celtic aren't a great side but they are obviously by a good distance the best team in Scotland, eventually they will get caught up with.

    Agree with you. We will get better. Some of the roasters on here thinking Rangers should be spending money we cannot actually subsidize. 20 million would turn into 39 million if we fail.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Smile said:

    We have downsized Greg you must have noticed that. I will ask again how much did each board member put in to get their hands on the club and access to the season ticket money.

    I can't get through to you. If you want King out go and protest it. You won't do it cause you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. 

    If you want him out and can get a better board who are richer then please do it. 

  6. Just now, Blue Avenger said:

    So billionaire Dermot was not a sane businessman when he invested a fortune in BR to get them into the CL? Aye right you are.

    Are you by any chance sitting in a darkened rood room wearing tin foil?

    How much did they spend? 3 million on Sinclair and 600 grand on Demebele? A million on the right back and a goalkeeper? Are you forgettibg they make a turnover of at least 60 to 70 million. There sponsership makes quadruple what we make. They have there own shops selling merchendise. They have 50 odd thousand season ticket money. They was in glamour friendlies making millions. You eant me to keep going on and on? Because that won't solve the problems we have at our club, fuck them. Its about us. We make 27 million in turnover. How the fuck do you spend 20.million on players while already making a loss and still keeo the business going with even more expenditure. You're a fucking balloon.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Smile said:

    He's been on the board since then not just joined do you not know that. You don't say we went through Administration fuck sake this is news to me.

    Throwing money at a club is not an option but giving it crisis loans is good..

    And the board previously was dealing with a business that was generating more than 26 million or whatever a year. Times have changed. We went into administration which fucked our whole business. Everything that was making us money was gone. The fans was the only ones to stay because we're fans. 

    Crisis loans ot whatever you wanted to call them. If we didn't take them then we would have downsized. Do you want that? The board didn't its why they gave the club the money. To try and stay competitive as much as we can be allowed too.

  8. 5 minutes ago, keithgersbear said:

    It is going to take time, remember the playing squad 3+ years ago was absolutely ripped apart, the club was gutted. It is going to take patience, probably a new manager and obviously better players but it will eventually happen and Rangers will win the league within the next 5 years. 

    I disagree about 5 years. It will take time. But we can't lose our ambition cause of the finances. But we still have to be careful. We can afford to spend money but never 20 million. That would finish us if we failed to get into the champions league which is a gamble no sane businessman would take, unless you're a fucking chanced with nothing to lose. I.e Craig Whyte.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Smile said:

    The board knew this when taking over though was no shock Kings been on the board since 2000, and they did due diligence.

    2000 we was making money. This is 2016 mate. We went through administration we as a business had to start over in the shitehole of Scottish football where winning division 3 was a few hundred quid at best. Nobody would touch us. Ffs no bank will touch us. The business as a whole was destroyed. That is why we have fuck all in income after expenditure. We're making loss after loss and the board are trying ti correct that. It will happen but throwing money at a club who's unable to sustain the expenditure it has is fucking mental. We would go under for sure and nobody is going to save us.

  10. 2 minutes ago, William McBeath said:

    Yup the finances will take a bit of time to recover after what was done to us, especially with the ongoing loss of retail revenue. The thing that is going to cause us more problems is that King talked a whole heap of mince coming in the door about splashing cash. If the team is not truly competitive from the off next season he'll be glad he's in SA.

    But he made those claims before he knew the extent of the clubs finances. I'm not sticking up for him but that's the truth. He could damage the club if he invests to much based on a gamble which is champions league because the club could not afford to maintain that higher expenditure. We can't maintain the expenditure we got. Kings not going to keep chucking 20 million here and there if we fail. It won't work and we'll be back in administration before you know it, if we did that. It seems that's what people want in order to beat the taigs. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Tenerife Bear said:

    I think roughly from old accounts it cost us £15m per year to run the club before we even paid a wage to a staff member or a player. Add the wage bill on top of that and costs will be up at almost £30m i would guess. 

    Season tickets may account for about £18m but where does the rest of our income come from? Catering is tied up, retail is tied up, i can't see where else we could bring in much else. Sponsorship, hospitality. What is left to make money from? 

    And this is in no way a defence of the board who have failed to made good on promises made but i don't think there is any money going "outside" the club. There's just none there. 

    Yet, we're still paying money for the likes of Garner. And people say the board are not putting any money in. The club makes no money. It costs the board to keep up functioning as a business. Without those soft loans we'd have to either downsize which would put us further behind. That's what Ashley and his fat bastard crew wanted.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Smile said:

    This board and King put up the money he promised initially, he never got in on the battle cry I'm going to give you a crisis loan every few weeks and keep you on your knees.

    You're missing the point. If King decides to splash the cash and we fail, bearing in mind we're making losses still. You'd actually hurt the club more than its already hurting. The losses would also increase if we don't get to the champions league. The taigs scrapped into the champions league and was lucky. They have a turnover more than double ours.... Yes more than double.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Smile said:

    I think we are needing clarity on where all the money has went so far.

    Its in the accounts. They are online. Read them. We don't make as much money as you think which is bonkers i know but its the truth. The most valuable income stream in season tickets which is about 17 million. It takes more than 17 million to run Rangers. A lot more. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Smile said:

    The loans won't Magically turn into equity. Borrow Borrow is not the way forward to run any business.

    You seem to be backing and believing this board again make up your mind.

    So if we don't borrow the loans then what do we do? Downsize? You tell me. If er downsize we're further behind the paedos.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Smile said:

    What worries me also is when record ticket sales were achieved we still needed 3 million borrowed once again, mind blowing.

    This board is needing to do a breakdown of exactly where all the money is going as it's not making it's way to the pitch.

    A: Who on the board has loaned us money and how much.

    B: who are the other lenders and how much have they individually loaned us.

    C: What's happened to the Transparency promised.

    Those are valid points. And I'm with you. Season ticket money alone doesn't cover the operating costs of the club. That's my while point. Thr club as a business is shagged. They're trying to grow it to make more money for the club. It won't happen over night. Throwing money at it which the business doesn't generate risks the security of our club if we fail. Nothing is guaranteed in football. We could blow the taigs out the water and still fucking lose the league after spending more than them. It just means if we fail pur losses increase and King isn't going to keep covering our losses. Especially that fucking higher. 3 million loss was this year. Its getting smaller so the board are doing something right. They increased the wage bill and still cut losses from the year before. We should be close to breaking even when the next set of accounts are due out. Or making a nice profit 

  16. 25 minutes ago, Smile said:

    I'm sure Rangers now in the Spl are a more attractive proposition. But with the debt this boards run up most Businessmen will run a mile.

    No businessman is going to touch us if we're making losses. Forget the loans for a second. We needed them to keep afloat. Those loans will turn to equity unless there is loans i don't k oe aboit that you're referring too? If we never took the loans we'd have to downsize. Its as simple as that. The board felt that was a necessary decision to take based on the fact we will be turning a profit soon enough. They know we will turn a profit due to being in the top league, old firm games etc and sponsership will rise once our current deals expire. 

    What are you advocating here? You want to chuck money at it?

  17. 3 minutes ago, Smile said:

    I think we have come to an impasse, My worry is when the loans are called in we are fucked once again, i see no way forward for a board who have got in on lies and mistruths and i see no sugar Daddy waiting to take on a club who since this board has got in piled on debt on top of debt calling it soft loans.

    If King and this board bought your car they would be back at the door begging you to put petrol in it.


    Its a bad situation i know. But we'd make it worse if we chucked money and failed. We can't take that risk when Rangers as a business cannot generate enough to cope with the expenditure it would develop if we did throw 20 to 30 million at it. Like i said, Sarver was our lifeline. And we got conned out of that also. Now KingCo ate in control what's stopping a rich cunt coming in and taking over? King would sell if someone came in and offered to take us over. We are not making any money and nobody rich is going to look at us unless they're a fan. Or have a relationship with a fan of ours. 

    We are where we are. We can't think what happened years ago. We need to think how to make Rangers making even more money. We first need to break even and then turn a profit. We will never do that if we throw money at it. That's a gamble that we shouldn't be taking.

  18. 7 minutes ago, danger ranger said:

    If you can't afford engines for a season you shouldn't be running a racing team, just like running a football team, nothing different between the two sports.

    Rangers never made any money, at one point we were 90 million in debt on paper, which suddenly went to 18 million of debt which King was offered to buy Rangers, but king would only buy if the 18 million would disappear, it wouldn't so he backed off, why, because he does not have the clout to run a football club the size of Rangers which at that time had the resources to compete at the highest levels and he fine well knew how much it took to run Rangers.

    Here is the bottom line under King, Rangers are fucked and getting more fucked by the day and will stayed fucked and his so called business model will ensure we stay fucked for years to come, offering up a fucked argument for a fucking liar is brainwashing of the highest order in trying to tell me you understand Kings business model as being correct and proper, remember this is the man who refused Rangers at a cheap price and then when the damage was done he came in on the cheap cheap and and is running Rangers on the cheap and the realities of buying cheap it costs you more in the long run.

    I don't care for your argument for Kings business model, it adds up to the sum total of nothing and I don't see anybody investing in Rangers with him at the club, as for Ashley, he is still hovering about interestingly enough, who knows.

    So... You hate King. I figured that much. Jokes aside, you can say you know more. If King wants to fuck of then he could. Then what? We would be even more fucked. You clearly don't understand business. You're ranting on about engines for F1 cars. We have 11 players who play football. If you onlu have an engine like you said you shouldn't be in F1. We have a full squad of players so what is your point? You reckon King should pump 50 million or 30 million or whatever into Rangers when our turnover is less than 30 million? While making losses already? 

    Thank fuck you're not in control of Rangers. You'd fucking sink us within a season.

  19. 6 minutes ago, Smile said:

    You have no stated a fact yet. other than you believe the board in what they say. I will ask again what makes you believe in them now. ?

    How many times do you need you pocket picked before you say enough is enough.

    Look i never said i believe the board. What i an saying is they are what we have. Unless you can get a rich sigar daddy who can cover our losses while spending wrecklessly then we have to grow the business. The board are covering our losses. You just need to read our accounts. Why are they covering our losses? We'd have to downsise in order to cut those losses. That means staff losses, wage bill decreased whatever it takes to bring that loss down. The reason the board qre prepared to take the necessary losses at the moment is because they believe we will turn a profit soon. And That's what i believe. Sponsership will go up and the money we have will regular old firm games and finishing second is millions for us. That alone will make us turn a profit. Then we have to steady our business and grow it. And keep growing it until its at its full potential. 

    If you can get someone who is rich and willing to subsidize our losses and put in 20 million and is happy to do all that. I'll drag King and every board member out of Ibrox myself. But its not going to happen. Sarver was our best bet and Ashley goons fucked it.

  20. 11 minutes ago, Gazza1212 said:

    Following yet another below par performance last night we understandably have all manor of explanations flying about. From a weak defence and powder puff midfield, to an insipid attack and poor management.

    For me though the most glaring reason we don't pick up full points in games like this is our inability to finnish the chances our play creates. 

    Apologies to all who are reading this and thinking I'm stating the obvious but yet again that game should have been out of sight had we a finisher on our books.

    Looking back at all the real Rangers teams through the years there can be no argument we are lacking like for like  quality all over the park. For all that though given the equally inferior opposition,  we still manage to get into the box as much as we always did.

    The biggest deficiency in this team however is the absence of a real penalty box finisher. That's something no other Rangers team has suffered as much from in my mind. Despite spunking nearly £2m on him  Wee Garner is the wrong fit for us at the moment. I'm not for a minute blaming all our problems on him because that would be wrong. The point I'm trying to make is the right guy in his position would make a world of difference to our results.

    Over the years I've witnessed some of the great teams turn in performances equally as bad as what were currently watching only to be dug out a hole with somebody who can sniff out a chance and finish. A player of this ilk wouldn't make up for the deficiencies in our team but 9 times out of 10 he'd make the difference between one point or three.

    Such is the dire standard of football in this country unfortunately a hungry, goal focused no. 9 will more often than not win you the game. And that's it. As far as this league is concerned there's no need to analyse any further. 

     I want to be clear with this.  I'll now freely admit we are not even close to where we should be. Warburton has a good footballing philosophy but it needs implemented by quality players which we are sadly lacking.  That needs to change. For the here and now though I firmly believe had we a McCoist or the like on our books we would be within touching distance of that top spot.  

    You're right. The quality is lacking. But you can't blame Warburton for all this. The finances dictate what quality we bring in. The club as a business is not making money. Warburton still can make this shower play some decent football. 

    The players are what they are. Average players trying to live up to being a Rangers player. Some of them don't have the skill, balls, fight or mentality to play for us. That's where you can blame the manager for some of thise attributes. We we can't pay for skilled players at least get the some of the attributes right. It doesn't cost to have fight or balls in a player. 

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