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Posts posted by TheBillyBoys1872

  1. 1 minute ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

    £15m minimum to win the league,a further £10m to qualify for the CL. And guess what happens when you make it to the CL,you make that money back.

    And we can't afford fuck all sadly because our board are skint lying arseholes.

    And if we spend say 15 million. Where do we cover the extra wages and all that when we're making a loss? 15 million on players wouldn't be the only thing that would be qn expense. Its the wage bill, which would have to increase to get a higher quality player. That's where we need to be but unfortunately the club don't generate that kinda cash, yet.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

    Then you are settling for second best whilst this board remain in power and sit back and watch the scum take 10 IAR. They are devoid of more creativity than our midfield. They couldn't spell growth, far less recognise it if they fell over it and neither do they give a fuck such is there agenda with the loans to equity deal. Rangers men, my fucking erse.

    You may be right. But they are what we have at the helm. They're footing the bill. The fact is they've reduced our losses since coming in and have been doing that every year. So the business must be getting stronger. Yes, we're still making a loss but it will get smaller and smaller every year till we break even and make a profit. We should be breaking even by next year.

  3. Just now, Blue Avenger said:

    If you think the club are not at risk with DCK in charge, you are at best naive.

    I will never accept second place. That's not good enough for my club. But we can't just throw money at it and hope we succeed. What if we don't succeed? We'd have expenses our income cannot handle. You think anyone who injects 20 million and we fail is going to keep subsidising the losses? If you do then you're the one that's being naive.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BonjourBonjour said:

    No question mark for a rhetorical question. Telling me not to answer.I'm not your pal. You can't spell a three letter word in the.

    Apart from that great post.

    Wow, a typo. I'm on my phonr and I couldn't give a toss what a prick like you thinks. You forget to take a space after your full stop to start a new sentence. Do me a favour, away and suck some more dick ya queer hawk. 

    And I'm glad you're not my pal. I'd have booted your baws in for your attitude alone.

    P.s. Thanks for the sarcastic compliment ya wank.

  5. 10 minutes ago, K.A.I said:


    this argument with wages, signing on fees, agents fees, taxis from the airport, dinner bill during signing talks etc is a fairly recent thing that people throw in usually the type of people who justify the non spend to make their point 

    So you're willing to put the club at risk if we fail. Say we spend 20 million on players. You're not taking into account wages which is an expenditure. We make less than 30 million in turnover at the moment. We are still making a loss. But you're advocating we spend more?

    Are you of your meds or something or are you stupid and know nothing about business? Unless we have a sugar daddy willing to cover our loses while we spend wrecklessly then its never going to happen. We can't do it. Kings no sugar daddy ffs. Better pray we get some rich arab who couldn't give a Fuck about money cause we are where we are. 

    It would be so easy to spend money we can't cover with our income. Its the reason we ended up in this mess in the first place. But aye... You couldn't give a fuck about Rangers so long as we spend money we cannot manage.

  6. 3 minutes ago, BonjourBonjour said:

    Genuine question here. Are you a complete cock ?

    No I'm not. I'm asking a question. Are you a wee fanny thinking you're something when you're actually fuck all. Don't answer that. Its a rhetorical question. Can see you live up to your pic there, pal. A fucking roaster of thr highest order.

  7. 6 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

    New centre halfs, a whole new midfield including a decent holding midfielder and a creative sort and a couple of strikers who can score 15 goals a season each minimum 

    maybe even a new manager too - there's a debate to be had if people want to wake up and be honest with themselves 

    20 million should do it 

    that's the reality for me 

    Genuine question here. The 20 million you say should do it. Is that 20 million straight on players? Or would that be split with wages etc?

  8. 3 minutes ago, LeeWallaceRFC said:

    It'd be a start, because as of now we don't have anybody with spare few bob to part with.

    I get what you're saying. But we already have millionaires at the club. You can't run a club like Rangers who are making a loss if you don't have money to cover the losses. This was my point in another thread. The business has to grow. Or we need a billionaire who ia prepared to cover all our loses while we seek all the glory. The fact is nobody is going to do that, its suicide. Not only as a businessman lose money but also put the club in jeopardy. We need to spend but not recklessly.

  9. Just now, Albertz 78 said:


    How many times this season have we lost or almost lost goals due to the short passing from the back tactics MW likes?

    Yeah I know Kiernan takes the fault for last night but he and the other CBs are instructed to play suicidal balls across our own box by MW.



    It wasn't suicidal. He misjudged the pass. His pass was short for Foderingham. Had he passed the ball directly at Foderingham, the St.Johnstone player wouldn't have got the ball like he did.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    Pretty damning eh, especially when 1 is for saving us as you say.

    Rangers used to have a team of captains. Now? 

    We've always had players who had limited ability but by fuck they deserved their jersey for their drive, desire, solidness, strength in so many ways. I long for some of these players, players who do the graft required for the skillful players to be able to do their stuff.

    Yup, pretty damning indeed. We'll get back to those days of having the grafters and skilled players who can actually play for a club like Rangers. 

  11. 1 minute ago, MasterD said:

    POTY for effort :lol: Never mind the lack of ability shown on the pitch then.

    0 goals, 0 assists in the league I'm sure his stats are. But he runs about and finds space :dunno:

    I was asked to pick 3 players. I chose 3. Holt doesn't hide in games, he actually tries. He's just not good enough to be a first team player. That was the 3 players I would choose. Who's your three then if you had to choose?

  12. 8 minutes ago, LeeWallaceRFC said:

    Money and good players.

    Only about 3 of the players who started last night are good enough to play for Rangers, roughly 5 in the entire match day squad of 18.

    That tells you all you need to know. Unless we find a millionaire, it'll be 15 in a row never mind 10.

    Scottish football is so bad that we could stroll to 2nd every year.

    We need more than a millionaire.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Albertz 78 said:

    A new manager would be the top priority.

    MW is not ruthless enough, is too inexperienced and looks absolutely lost when opposition gaffers change tactics mid game.

    Even if you gave MW £10m to spend iin this window I still don't think the glaring faults up front and at the back would be addressed at all.

    Disagree. I thought the tactics was fine. It was the players that didn't actually take their chances. First 25 mins St.Johnstone had no shots on target, we was running the show. Its when we lost the goal the players heads dropped. That isn't the managers fault. What is the managers fault is he signed these players to play for us. Whether he had no choice but to sign these players due to our financial position or he actually wanted them. 1.8 million on Garner suggests he wanted them cause we do have some sort of money.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    We have a squad of what, 25 first team players?

    Who deserves the poty award this year so far and why?

    If you can name more than 3 players you're doing better than me.

    There's your answer.

    Holt for his effort. Hill cause he's done well. Foderingham because he's saved us more than anyone.

  15. 11 minutes ago, OzGers said:

    Not sure a lot of money is actually required.

    we certainly need to get better with pre contracts- imagine we got jota on a free? There is a quality addition right there 

    if we can manage to spend 5mill in summer for possible europe, we can easily get 2 quality signings plus a few pre/frees and a quality loan

    Agree with this. Jota on a free would be creaming yourself material. He's a player I rate. That's the type of quality we should be going for, throughout the park. If its a freebie then so be it. But i honestly believe we have to spend a few million into the squad. A DM is required. A striker who can actually score. Jota i would play in the middle. I'd like a winger and one centre back. If we got quality in those positions i jusy mentioned i believe we will be in a better position to challenge.

  16. Warburton tactics worked. The players let him down. We was dominating that game before we gave thrm that goal. We still dominated the game after we gifted them the goal but the heads went down. That's where he has to take the blame, for signing such mentally weak players who cannot play for a big club like ours. It's to much expectation for them to handle. 

  17. At the end, Barrie is asked about the old firm game. He talks about his first old firm game at Ibrox. And says hopefully we get the win. Look at his face... He doesn't believe Rangers are going to win. It's written all over his face. This iw the fucking weak mentality I'm actually talking about. He's probably not the only one that believes Rangers won't beat those cunts. No wonder we're shite if that's their attitude.

  18. The truth is. The whole team bar McKay, Foderingham and Wilson let us down. If we played like we did before we conceded, throughout the game we would have won the game despite the mistake from Kiernan. I keep saying it. Our team is weak mentally and that's what needs addressed. People are praising Clint Hill as the only positive signing this summer. Its cause mentally he's pretty good. We just need that but younger and in several positions.

  19. 1 minute ago, A.T.G said:

    We are shite, but I wouldn't mind fucking destroying the cunts

    One off game, they know we can beat them, when was the last time these cunts went to Ibrox with the majority of the stadium gunning for the bastards

    If the team don't use the crowd to their advantage for this game then they will never be good enough

    Optimistic for a win, always listen to the heart for this one, never the head because it never comes down to form

    Kiernan must not play

    This. We need Ibrox rocking. The taigs will fucking shite it. Show the bastards how a real support works. Do that and hope the players play like we know they can, we will have a chance. I still want half the team replaced.

  20. The players have to take the blame for this. They're way out there depth playing for a team like Rangers where everyone hates you and the expectation from our fans is high. Warburton takes the blame for bringing in mentally weak players to a club as big as ours. We need a striker who can actually score, we need a midfielder who can create and open and cut a defense and i want a defender who is young, strong snd quick who csn actually defend first and foremost. I still can't believe that fucking pass. Fuck off.

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