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I lost my faith in Mr Smith many, many years ago, so where we are now is no real surprise to me.

I don't believe that any man's first managerial job should be at our club, therefore I'm not looking forward to Ally taking over. Who should take over? Who knows?

The problem in my opinion is Murray. If you are pro or against Murray at this stage I don't think it matters, what matters now is the fact that he wants to sell and nobody wants to buy. So what can we do about it?

I think the only people who will buy us is us. I take it that you guys are aware of the Barcelona system where all the fans are the shareholders as well? I really do not know all the details or how it works. Any of you guys got a better knowledge than myself about there structure? Also do you think it would work?


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Guest The Brown Brogue

Barca is owned by its ever-growing membership of 156,366 'socis' (members), who pay 150euros each year and are represented by a randomly-selected group who meet with the board and vote on major decisions.

These representatives have a major say on significant issues such as sponsorship, finances and sporting affairs, while the president of the club is elected in four-yearly polls.

All adult members are eligible to vote in the presidential elections every four years.

Club members selected randomly by computer and age, and 25 chosen by the board, join the directors, former presidents and other officials at the annual delegates assembly to discuss key issues, approve the annual report and forthcoming projects.

Only members can buy season tickets, with membership fees contributing to the overall price of the ticket.

Fiscal rewards for membership include discounted tickets for the club's various sports teams including football, basketball, handball and hockey as well as club magazines, e-mail updates, sporting and cultural activities and free entry to the Nou Camp tour and museum.

Would this work at Rangers?

Well this system has been in place at Barcelona since the club was founded I think so would by no means be a quick fix solution. Its not engrained within the culture of our club for the fans to have this level of involvement with the club so i think it would take a long time and a lot of mistakes before we were on an even keel and pulling in the same direction.

And given the disagreements between Rangers supporters groups, and even the disharmony amongst their own members within some of them then I'd be afraid of the effect having any kind of real power may have on some of these individuals.

A Liverpool fans group has cited the Barcelona structure as one they want to copy by buying out Gillette/Hicks and making the club owned by the fans, so its certainly a solution being looked at by other clubs, and in fact is probably in place at other clubs throughout the world with Barca simply being the highest profile.

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Thanks for the reply. I dont like the random idea. I agree that with that system you would get a lot of mistakes in the initail set up, maybe if there system could be tailored in some way to work at Rangers it could be made to fit? Say supporters clubs put forward there secetary to go into the random pick, it would ensure that the people who were put forward had more of a sense of how things work.

Anyway thanks for the info.

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The Barca system isn't that different to a PLC system in reality, the main difference being one person can't 'own' the club but they can still control it. The PLC system does allow for multiple ownership where 'shareholders' have their say, appoint a board etc. Without wanting to start a 'SDM is the problem' thread if a large enough group of supporters could raise the money and SDM agreed to sell them the club you would basically have that system. 50,000 fans each contribute £200 you have an offer SDM would have difficulty ignoring, and in the theory the club owned by the fans.

Easier said than done I accept.

The structure of clubs in Germany is similar to the Barca model and many observers feel this has inhibited German clubs competing in the Champions League due the greater resources of the the English and Italian clubs and their ability to raise money from outside sources.

It boils down to what kind of 'club' you want; a club the represents you, your sporting beliefs, ideals and that one day your son might realistically play for, or a club that competes at latter stage Champions League level. It is becoming increasingly difficult to have both.

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I take on board and agree with the 50,000 @ £200 point, it would be hard for Murray to ignore and as you say almost impossible to organise, unless it came from Murray himself?

As for your second point I feel that the Champions league can wait, lets walk before we can run so I would be up for any sale of our club to us either the Barca way or PLC.

Thanks for your reply.

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