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Murray Speaks Again - ( Through Friends in The Media)


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"At the start of this season and we had the problem of Carlos Cuellar leaving the club on the back of the Kaunas result," Murray said.

You sure did Sir David. And what was your solution? To yet again capitulate to your own vanity and spend money the club couldnt afford. You realised Rangers were going to make a heavy loss yet you opened up the chequebook to appease a support who dont know anything better because youve reared them on a diet of moonbeams and bluster.

"I met with a group of supporters at that time and I told them that we were unaware that Cuellar was invoking his get-out clause and leaving. But I also told them that we would spend the money received and that was achieved.

This is a remarkable admission Sir David. You undertook a damaging spending spree after meeting with Fans of the Rangers Trust and Follow Follow message board and you see it as an achievement?

"At that point we had not entered the level of economic downturn which currently exists.

Yes we had. That was only four months ago . The economic indicators were pointing to a financial downturn of unprecedented propotions when you decided to splash out a fortune on Maurice Edu, Steven Davis and Kyle Lafferty, among others. That you are now hiding behind it shows you to be one of two things: A buffoon with all the foresight of a mole with cateracts or a liar. Which is it Sir David?

You have to look to the future and analyse where additional revenues are going to come from outwith an extended run in Europe.

Any business must look to the future, but did you Sir David? Where did you think the additional revenue was coming from to compensate for Kaunas? Did you think the Lucky Charms man was going to jump from the top of your cereal box and give you a magically delicious pot of cash? Or was it just more folohardy, wreckless spending?

Yes, we could continue to spend money but we would develop more problems and the club would not be in a good condition

I dont believe anyone is asking you to spend money Sir David and neither is that the reason you are being criticised. What Rangers fans have criticised you for is sanctioning the sale of Scotlands top scorer to fill the void left by your ridiculous spending of other peoples money.

"I genuinely believe that the plans we put in place when Walter came back has been knocked off course by a couple of factors in a very, very difficult economic climate - which I believe will become markedly worse before a recovery in the future."

Your plans got knocked off course by a motley crew of lithuanian plumbers and canoe salesmen Sir David. But you could have rescued the situation by using the Cuellar cash to compensate and safeguards your clubs future. But what did you do?

However, if we don't sell any of our players during this window then we don't sell any of our players during this window."

Oh really. Wasnt it only a fortnight ago you were telling us all that but for sale of Boyd things at the club could 'get really bad'. What happened? Did the Lucky Charms man come through for you after all?


Thats whats running our club.

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