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Everything posted by BlueMe

  1. why have you not got a mouth in your avatar pic?
  2. bears den? back to the important stuff... who do you like more,the boss or papaguy?
  3. only a taig would be so fuckin dumb,where did i quote you ya thick cunt?? i blame the schools...
  4. i'm ashamed to say i've not even looked outside this morning young yins nowadays
  5. just you stay in bed today
  6. it's because you're so old. old people always talk shite.
  7. no way you could hit the bar from the halfway line,i couldn't do it from the penalty spot
  8. dexibhoy,i won't even bother quoting that last grammar free post you made. but we already knew you shagged family members because you're a taig.
  9. was lando the guy who loved cats?
  10. i don't get it? do you want your mum to make you porridge? i'll ask her. she said she can't just now because she's busy,if you know what i mean wink wink.
  11. my burds yer maw ya dirty wee cunt
  12. this thread definitely has a gay feel to it
  13. TheAlukoMan (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu) (tu)
  14. you that guy that was on the tele? can you send me a pair of your boxers,signed please... worn
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