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Posts posted by BRICKY1872

  1. 1 minute ago, Courtyard Bear said:

    So we just ignore he’s the player of the season and top goal scorer. 

    Jesus Wept. 

    Which part of "I'll support him at every turn when he is doing what he does best for Rangers" are you missing here? Are we supposed to ignore the games we lost or drew, largely because he was missing due to suspension? So do you would level no criticism whatsoever at Morelos this season based solely on him being our top scorer? Really? 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

    He will play at a level those 2 can only dream about. 

    Whatever level Morelos may or may not go on to play at is little consolation or interest to me as a Rangers supporter. I'll support him at every turn when he is doing what he does best for Rangers, but are we suppose to just turn a blind eye to him being posted missing due to suspensions for a about a third of the season? Jesus wept.  

  3. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but did anyone else catch C4 news last night. Article on the game yesterday, presented by none other than Alex Thomson and just for added spice an "impartial" view from Angela Haggerty. Anyone in England with no clue as to these two cunts history with us would be completely hoodwinked. I actually like C4's news coverage generally, but this was embarassing. 

  4. This has probably been raised before, but maybe pertinent to guys at the moment after the Celtic ticket debacle last week. I like thousands of other tried for hours on the website and on the phone to obtain a ticket. The phone line clearly states calls will cost 10p a minute. What is fails to tell you is that it also costs you a 31p connection fee every time, regardless of the length of the call. I just got my Sky bill in and last week cost me just shy of £50 for calls to the ticket office, some only lasting seconds. I imagine there will be a few more hefty bills coming in to people soon. I've contacted Rangers regarding this as I think it's a fucking scandal.

  5. Not a Rangers game, But me and my Mrs watched the England v Italy game in the World Cup just gone over in Turkey, in the Rangers bar in Marmaris. There had been a bit of agro between our lot and some of the English in the neighbouring Geordie, Scouse and Manc bars when Italy scored their first. Bearing in mind it was one in the morning kick off there, a fair load of the guys out were well pished. When Italy scored their second this daft cunt in the Geordie bar tore of his England top and went screaming around the bar, aiming most of his misplaced vitriol over the fence at our lot. Only then did his mates point out it was Italy who had in fact scored and not England. :lol:

  6. How quick are they on sending out after buying? I travel up from Newcastle and was going to bring the wee yin up wae me to her grans on the Wednesday as they're off for the Easter hols.

    I ticked the mail option as I can see wae it being an early KO me running around on the sat morning taking the wee yin to ma sis's to watch her,,,, thought as a travel up on the train from killie that it might get tight for time for the pck up option,, esp as you have to walk past the Loudon and I haven't managed that yet!!

    Hopefully be here by wed next week ,, cant wait now ,, pissed up this sunday,, then next week , then the back up for the final home game 2 wks later,,,, be skint as hell by May but what the fcuk

    I asked when the tickets would be posted out and the guy never elobatred more than next week.

  7. Not at all - I said from the outset what makes you more deserving of them? Maybe next time you should just avoid any potential heartache and confrontation by just ticking the fucking box if you want to get on a high horse over others getting tickets

    I'll always make sure I get the last word against someone like you, so feel free to keep replying - I've got a 12 hour nightshift starting soon in which I'll be on here all night - if you want me to give it a rest then shut the fuck up, especially as you've got a ticket anyway (tu)

    I'm pretty sure getting the last word in gives you some sense of self importance mate so you crack on. I'm a generous man and like to help folk out where I can.

  8. Yes I do have an argument with that viewpoint - to an extent

    I seen what you said to Rangersgary but the fact you acknowledge that and then still spout the inane shite is baffling

    For your info some of the people I'm getting tickets for are season book holders who haven't ticked the box themselfs and if I can't get them one then they will take the idea of missing out better than you have here in all honestly

    As I've said twice now this place excels in insanity sometimes as only someone like you would take issue with me trying to help others out - that's the crux of the matter for me and can't get away from that and won't let it go until you drop your shite attitude and acknowledge I'm only helping people

    Ah right, I see now. Your mates who are season ticket holders, but didn't tick the box, are better than me and more deserving of a ticket? Oh you are a card. By the way, if you care to actually take a look back I never started winging about not getting tickets at all, it was all about you seeking to get tickets for non season ticket holders in font of season ticket holders. You really are a master of trying to disguise actual facts mate. Anyhoo, I've got my tickets so you can get off your high horse now and go and have a wee rest. Someone actually challengng you on here has obviously been too much for you. Bless.

  9. I honestly can't see any justification in someone who isn't a ST holder getting a ticket before a ST holder who misses out, in any circumstance.

    Obviously, if said ST holder doesn't tick the box, then they run the risk of the full whack going to the ST holders who did, and they can't complain about that at all.

    EDIT: I should probably point out, all ST holders should have a few days before general sale. If they don't buy them before that date, then it's fair game.

    Couldn't agree more.

  10. I never said you didn't deserve a ticket I said you have no god given right to one in the open sale lottery if you couldn't be fucked ticking the box at the start of the season

    It's as simple as that

    You started a pathetic attitude with me all because I'm trying to help guys on here with tickets and your acting like a wee spoiled lassie

    To be honest mate, you are the one going on like a wee lassie here, post after post of whining. I've already pointed out in another reply to Rangersgary that if I lost out because I never ticked the CCCS box then fair do's, or did you miss that? I also said that I still believe I have the right to a ticket before a non season ticket holder. Even if they are your biggest, bestest mates in the world. Do you have an argument with that viewpoint?

  11. Only on here would a desperate wee man like yourself attempt to grief someone for helping others out with tickets

    Maybe you getting yourself a ticket will stop you moaning like a spoilt wee bitch for two minutes

    You have a god given right to fuck all if you can't be arsed ticking a box

    Hope you got restricted view

    A desperate wee man? You really do have tickets on yourself mate. So I never ticked the CCCS box, so I deserve fuck all ticket? I've had a season ticket for 26 years straight now. I served 22 years in the Armed Forces which often meant missing games for long periods of time. I renewed every season without fail. Desperate wee man you say? You Sir are a prize fanny.

  12. If you are working offshore then you are no doubt financially sound, (possibly not but most people who do are) so you should be able to tick the box and pay for the cccs ticket even if you can't make it, you can give to a friend or family member or even sell on if you require the money back.

    John is not a ticket scamster, the absolute opposite actually.

    I take your point mate, but which boxes I choose to tick are entirely up to me. If I'd missed out on a ticket today because I never signed up to the CCCS scheme then I'd say fair enough, that was my decision. If however I'd missed out on a ticket because a non season ticket holder got one instead of me then I think I'd have a valid gripe.

  13. He doesn't have a point. What is so different to him not being able to make every game compared to guys from England or Belfast that can't make every game? Rangersgary nailed it - why not ticket the box if you want to go to these games and be 100% guarenteed a ticket.

    Who's the guy your on about? DennistounRangers? I didn't see the part about it being their first time at Ibrox. Did you make that bit up or did I genuinely misread the post he made?

    Maybe if Bricky had a better attitude and didn't speak to me like a piece of shit first I could get him a ticket ....

    That's genuinely funny. I think you will find I made a valid point to you, you were the one who started the whole fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck attitude. Are you above critisism on here on something? Are you site royalty? I've purchased the tickets I was after as it happens. For 3 season ticket holders. Not 3 non season ticket holders.

  14. A season ticket holder who didn't tick cup games or is on the CCCS ahead of good Bears who come from England or Belfast who attend when they can....

    Join a bus or sign up to the scheme ... if you went to enough games you'd be a cert to get a ticket .... don't blame me or the good Bears who are lucky enough to get one for your own bad luck or incompetence

    What was it you said about not knowing what you're talking about? I work Offshore so the CCCS is no good to me, I am however still a season ticket holder. Does that mean a non season ticket holder from England or Belfast is more worthy of a ticket than me? Pfftt.

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