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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. in with a chance then. His odds were 5/2
  2. Just stuck a fiver on Sagan to win the stage. Not watching so hope he is still in with a shout
  3. Millar in attacking group. Fancy his chances today if they stay away!
  4. Bit more on when Froome nearly decided to win it himself today When he accelerated on La Toussuire with four kilometres to go, Chris Froome left behind Bradley Wiggins, the rest of the group and, it appeared, team orders. Twenty seconds later, he spoke into the race radio, slowed and the fragments drifted back together. "They asked me to slow down," Froome said after the finish, referring to Team Sky directeur sportif Sean Yates. At the finish, Froome distanced Wiggins by a couple of seconds sprinting for the line in the final 300 metres. He moved up to second overall, 2-05 on his compatriot. The day's big loser was Cadel Evans, falling to fourth and 3-19 down. Dislodging Evans When Wiggins was asked whether the attack was planned and who called Froome back, he said: "I didn't call him back, I didn't have my radio in at that point, my piece had fallen out. But we talked about Chris maybe attacking in the final." "This morning we were planning on Cadel still being there and Chris maybe making the twenty-one seconds up [today] to move to second on GC because Chris wasn't 100% confident he'd get the better of Cadel in the last time-trial. As long as I stayed with Vincenzo and those guys, that was the plan." Froome still following team orders Questions fired at him in a finish line scrum, Chris Froome talked about sticking to team orders. "Our plan is to look after Bradley and I'm here to do that." When asked if he was frustrated, Froome said: "No, I follow orders at all costs. I'm part of the team and I have to do what the team asks me to do... Bradley is just as strong as me and stronger than me in the time-trials." "You realise you can win the Tour?" a journalist asked. "... Maybe one day," he replied. "We feel you're able to win the Tour," another persisted moments later. "Thanks for the compliment, but I think Bradley's in a better position," Froome said. Wiggins: "Bit of confusion" at moment of attack Asked in his post-race press conference what he felt at the moment Froome attacked, Wiggins said "I was really concentrating on my effort and keeping it constant, I'd been riding for two kilometres beforehand... I didn't want to make any more of an acceleration but there was a lot of noise, a lot of things going on the radio and a bit of confusion at that point." "He showed today that he certainly had the legs. It was another great day for the team," Wiggins added. In one respect, it's job done: Team Sky controlled attacks from Cadel Evans and Vincenzo Nibali and a pair of British riders now occupy the top two positions in the Tour de France. But while there's no doubting Sky's strength in depth, hints about internal conflict and questions about whether Sky are riding for the right man may linger on minds after Froome's brief show of strength.
  5. Never understood the cavendish thing. Struggles in sky. They should have signed renshaw as well to help cav.
  6. Got a feeling next year Froome will be allowed to attack. What a machine he is.
  7. Fancy froome to maybe take stage again today. Mountain finish.
  8. Not sure how cycling works but he signed a 3 year contract before this season. Froome is a shoe in to win it in the future.
  9. Froome was born in Kenya I thought? Col de la Madeleine tomorrow!!!!! Bit of a big one Mountain finish tomorrow as well. Can't wait.
  10. I don't believe for one second that any of team sky are doping. Utter madness to think othwrwise. If anyone is doping in Sky then fingers will be pointed at each and every one of the team sky crew. Right down to Pendleton and Hoy. So.. There is no way that doping is going on there. Crazy talk!
  11. What a time by Wiggo. Fucking hell!!
  12. Wiggins 16 seconds quicker than Froome through CP 2
  13. Froome 20 seconds up at Check 2. Come on SKY!
  14. Wiggins may end up catching Evans at this rate
  15. and I know its early days but they are saying Wiggins is 20 seconds up on Evans already
  16. He was close! Froome just better Van Garderern by 21 seconds through checkpoint 1. Imagine a british 1, 2 this year
  17. Cancellara tearing up the course at the moment.
  18. Big big day today for wiggo. Great chance to stretch his lead at the top! Fully expecting Froome to rise up the GC further too.
  19. Samuel Sanchez out. A nothing incident too!
  20. Some ride by Froome yesterday! Future winner that's for sure. Sky dominated, was awesome to see! Really do love the mountain stages.
  21. Not great news! Confident they have enough cover though. Just seen yesterdays stage. What a fantastic finish from Cavendish. Came from nowhere! Yet to see todays stage. Another good victory for Sagan though. Look forward to next years tour already with no Olympics to think about!
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