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Everything posted by Wullie!

  1. did u see the look on mcgeadys face when he had made that challenge on hutton
  2. is this for people who quote or dont quote??
  3. i also had a few girlfriends behind her back <yes>
  4. i heard that on the radio hope there were no casualties
  5. i prefer tomato sauce with my pies
  6. i went out with the same girl for 6/7 years in primary school my first true love. I still see her every now and again when I'm out at the shops and that, but she went to a different secondary from me, so we lost touch
  7. Listen to Coop Whats with the chill everyone?It aint that bad Iv seen much worse it was worse earlier
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgMvvJpM2Ws
  9. all the burds in short skirts was class...school and the work was mince
  10. I also like this song just now as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTT66b2M8TA
  11. nowhere near as overrated as some bands
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5jcXobwlLM <spinnir> <rockon> <spinnir>
  13. Wullie!


    i dont think it's over the top i have never gotten involved or taken sides really with any one in an argument i am not taking sides now but arguing to the point of personal slagging matches over some celebrity is stupid and if your now just going to slate me for telling you all to pull yourself together i dont need to stay dont leave <sesm>
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