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  1. Well done Walter. Someone has to make a stand against this crap the SPL and Celtic are coming away with. 4 games in 8 days - sporting integrity!! Walter said the right things and am glad he spoke out. For too long Rangers have just put up and shut up. We know that’s probably the best thing to do to keep your own integrity but clearly the Celtic way of moaning at every turn does pay dividends as the SPLs treatment of Rangers illustrates. Murray lost his edge a long time ago so it is going to be up to Bain and Smith to do the talking and stick up for the gers when required. Don't get me started on WGS and his comments.
  2. Lets hope FIFA find some reason to block any transfer of Kenny Miller to Rangers… something like no player can play for any club twice if the fans of that club don't approve? Worth a try.
  3. I agree March is crucial. Especially the OF game as its at Ibrox leaving 2 games at the piggery. If we are 7 point clear after the OF game I fancy us to win the league. If we are only 4 ahead then its 50/50 as I don't fancy us winning any of the piggery games.
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