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Everything posted by MattyBlue

  1. Obviously not earth shattering odds, but this works for me
  2. There’s just so many factors, like there’s been loads of blowouts recently so a team goes 20 points ahead then both teams are basically playing their second unit team so starters get much less minutes and don’t hit their lines.. If a player racks up a few fouls too quickly they will see reduced minutes before they end up getting ejected players just having a wank game, or being instructed to stick to a certain task
  3. There’s 14 games tonight I’ll try put something together 😅
  4. Just look at the players averages really, then look at the oppositions defense ranking, if the defense ranking is like say in the bottom 20 of the league then chances are the player will hit.. that bet I posted is actually one of the first bball bets iv put together myself, was quite confident in it 😅 Fuck me i wish that was true
  5. Get amongst it I’ll send you my referral link joking I ain’t about that 😅
  6. £25 I’m sure, might be a Black Friday deal on or coming up perhaps.. we’ll worth it great group not over crowded and actually full of decent people unlike other cords iv been in just full of pricks bashing one another.. couple other bears in there too.. reckon you’d like it since you play some nba bets
  7. Iv put the euromillions on and the hot picks tonight 😅 never done it before but iv had a decent week about £1400 so maybe I’m in luck
  8. Bastard! I won with 6, 11, 19.. do 6, 16, 40 aswell so first time I thought 10p stick them all together and ended 1 short 😅
  9. Tough one, on his day you have arguably one of the best players in the league… those days became incredibly rare however, really not sure what I think. Probably edging towards no
  10. Iv never actually hated a manger before, I disliked Pedro an awful lot but I absolutely fucking detest Beale.. fucking hate the guy Edit- probably not really for this thread.. for context just because of the money he spent
  11. MattyBlue


    No ta, knocked back utd and spurs last season too 😅
  12. MattyBlue


    0 points in the CL first season so yeah
  13. MattyBlue


    Ahh sound mate never realized this thread was a thing! Won the double first season, few games into my second season now.. signed van ginkel, got malacia from utd and carvalho from liverpool and moukoko from dortmund on loan.. still got 22m budget left funnily enough the key to success winning the league first season was getting Lammers to fuck and not playing dessers
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