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Posts posted by MarzM

  1. I'm banned from FF too. I suggested once that perhaps it was a shame that someone got stabbed after an OF game and next thing you know i was getting disgusting PM's etc and then BANNED!! lol

    I really enjoy RM. I dont post very often but i'm on the site every night. I like to watch Casey/McLachlin/Gunslinger argue with each other!!

    If i didnt like RM i would never have linked my facebook to it. I'm pretty sure that i'm one of the few Buddhists on here. Debate and different opinions are central to my beliefs. As others have said, on FF if you do not agree with the screaming monkeys then you are for it!!

    I do not want RM to be the same as FF.

  2. Aye we didn't play well however good to see that we showed class in not getting players sent off or losing the rag!! If it had been the other way round they bastards would be kickin' lump out of us!! (lego muncher did with Kerkar)

    I want to win every Old Firm game, especially in the Girodome. However off the pitch is more important just now. We cant win this league. We need to be strong as those fuckers at the SFA/SPL/Lawells country club will be trying to hamstring us this week!!


  3. Personally, i think it is a disgraceful decision to hold a protest without giving our fine police service and Glasgow city council 28 days notice.......having said that, Saturday is the day i do my shopping and i live right next to Queens Park. I like to shop at Toryglen Asda and I have to walk past Hampden to get there........2pm you say? Hmmmmmmmmm

    See you there lads!! lol


  4. They might have to play a wee bit better to win the Champions League! lol

    I posted this on my FB.(after fightin of Celtic fans who said they were cheated but didnt mind scoring an offside goal!!)

    "The last time it was Hearts v Hibs in the Scottish cup final it was 1896. Here are a few other things that happened!!

    January 12 – H.L. Smith takes the first X-ray photograph.

    January 28 – Walter Arnold, of East Peckham, Kent, England, is fined 1 shilling for speeding at 8 mph (13 km/h), thus exceeding the contemporary speed limit of 2 mph (3.2 km/h). The first speeding fine.

    April 3 – The first edition of the Italian sports newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport is published.

    April 6 – The opening ceremonies of the 1896 Summer Olympics, the first modern Olympic Games, are held.

    September 22 – Queen Victoria surpasses her grandfather King George III as the longest reigning monarch in British history.

    December 14 – The Glasgow Subway, the third-oldest underground metro system in the world, opens."

    Living in Glasgow, it was the subway bit that made me think "FUCK ME! How shit have Hibs and Hearts been for the last 100 year!!

    Back to the Celtic bashing!! Lemmon should get fucking nailed by the SPL for that shit!! (wont happen as they are scared of Cock-wel) No fucking class what so ever. He's a horrible little cunt of a man. As for Celtic fan going on Twitter etc:-


  5. Do you think it will come down with ally,that we will be protesting to get him out?

    God i really hope not. I dont want to see us go back to the protests or banners. If you look at Kean at Blackburn, okay so not my team but i fell for him and his family. I've seen that before and it's not good for either party IMO.

  6. To be fair, that's partly to do with circumstances and folk wanting a stick to beat ally with

    I agree. I don't want Ally to fail. Love the guy, he is and always will be a legend. You know who else is a legend? John Greig, and he was a pish manager too!

    I honestly believe we just want to see the guy do well. If he cant get a fair crack here hopefully he will get it somewhere else.

  7. I'm worried about Sandaza as he appear to be injured a lot. Boyd only ever scored against the bottom 6, however considering we are struggling to beat even them now perhaps it wouldn't be that bad.

    Perhaps (if he was cheap) El Alague (if thats how you spell it) might be worth a punt.

    Lafferty and Healy IMO are not that great. Laff can have his good days but he is too inconstant. Healy should be out the door.

    I still feel we have to have a look at the scouting system. Eastern Europe and Scandinavia can have a few hidden gem's. We need to get out and about instead of buying from England or even Scotland. We would get better value for money that way.

  8. Good luck to the wee guy, i hope he does well if this is true.

    Reading the comments i can see people are upset. Okay so he's not had many games to prove he's THAT good, but every time he has played/come on he has added something different. He drops short can turn with the ball and pick out a pass and perhaps most important, he then doesn't just stop moving.

    Things are obviously bad a Rangers. Ally should never have been made the manager IMO straight after Walter. I love Walter like most Rangers fans but in both his tenures 3 negative things stand out,

    1, If given the option to attack or defend he will almost always defend

    2, He keeps playing 1 up front

    3, He keeps playing players out of position and wont drop his favourites no matter how rubbish they are playing.

    All these point could also be levelled at Ally he appear to have picked up a lot of Walter, IMO there should have been one more guy before Ally. We should NEVER be playing 1 up from in the SPL and that includes v Them. IMO and im really sad to say this, we were doing well in the league not because of what Ally was doing, but because Celtic were pish and Naysmith was carrying the team.

    While Bendiksen may not be the messiah we are looking for the boy has talent and Ally looks like he wants big guys who lump the ball. One of the posts mentions that we cant even take a shy without doing it wrong. Perhaps there is an issue with the training. Ally is skating on thin ice. He is currently 1 game better in record than PLG and we all know how that ends.

    I hope things get better because the last thing i want is the "You dont know what you are doing" chant to start at Ibrox. However i fear it will.

  9. Anybody see him play today ?? did it look like it was his last game ??

    Not unless we get our finger out!! I think we are looking a bit of a laughing stock ATM.

    I just want us to sign someone creative, and soon!! Davis is a great wee player. However he's IMO not play maker we crave.

  10. So he can never be dropped?

    Well thats why IMO Walter never dropped Edu. He had to justify paying (correct me if i'm wrong) £2.5M for the numpty!! Now Whittaker has got a massive paycheck he will almost certainly be first choice unless he's injured!! Which really sucks as im in the "I'd like to see Cole or McMillan get a chance" camp.

    The Youtube clip makes this guy McKay look good. Then again im sure you could make almost anyone look good by putting a highlight reel together.

    The problem i see coming up is that Ally is too loyal to certain players. If we get another CB is he still going to play Weir? At the moment it looks like he has no intention of dropping Edu/McCulloch. So even if we get this guy, will he play?

  11. The problem with Weiss is that he was really our only real attacking threat. Every time he got the ball 2 players were on him. Fine his use of the ball isnt always great but he cant take on a whole team by himself

  12. Just wondering what other Bears thought of this guy?

    If we have a wee bit on money to play with in January and Metalist Kharkiv would sell him for say no more than £1.5 million would you want him?

    I've seen him a couple of times this year and not just when Killie have been playing us and i think he's quite good. He's only 27 so we would even get a couple of years out of him and im pretty sure he can play in Europe this year! Everything Killie seem to do good has this guy at the centre of it and IMO we could do with a midfielder who can actually pass a ball through a defence!

    What do you think? Worth a punt?

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