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Posts posted by PaulRFC1

  1. Shows you how much lies have been said in the past couple of days.

    Ticketus are not our main creditor, it wasn't 4 years worth of season tickets mortgaged, the VAT story was nonsense and the old regime was using it for 2 years and not a short term loan.

    To find out Bain and McLelland also had EBT's even when we were under investigation is sickening. It shows you how bad those cunts were.

    And again he shoots down people saying he hasn't put in money.

  2. Look let me put one thing straight first. I'm not a Craig Whyte loather and I know you didn't exactly say that but I'm just putting it out there.

    However I don't think it is as simple as that. No, would more than likely mean the club dying, yes, I give you that. Yes, on the other hand could also mean the club dying but only a slower death. When we say dying, we're obviously talking administration.

    Whyte did come out and 'finally' admit, after 2 denials, that he mortgaged the season ticket money. He said it was not used for buying the club which, even after he lied to us, for some reason I still believe.

    The agreement was in place before Whyte tookover, but it was purely for short term loans that was never written up as a liability and at the end of the day, tax case or no tax case, that loan only bumps our debt up an extra 24.4m plus interest. So I won't be regarding that as putting us on a safe footing.

    I understand he's the man in charge and our only hope but I would like some transparency from him on exactly what this money was for.

    Our money, the fans money. Football is meant to be for the fans, is it not?

    I have never heard of him denying mortgaging the season ticket money?

    I don't know the ins and outs of the deal when the old regime were using it, all I know was that they introduced the scheme.

    And people keep hitting out with figures, he hasn't stated how much he used or what the agreement in place is. I for one don't believe the Daily Rebel one bit.

    I would like some transparecy from him too.

  3. Isn't it quite simple?

    No would mean the club dying and yes would be saving us.

    And did Whyte come out and admit he used 4 years worth of ST money? or was that just the same rhag who said he used that money to fund his buyout of the club?

    "What is true is that Rangers, like many other clubs, has a financing arrangement in place with a company called Ticketus which enables the Club to receive revenue from a portion of season ticket sales in advance."

    We needed extra revenue from somewhere and that loan from Ticketus will put us on a safe footing.

    We do not know what is happening but it is pretty obvious he has a plan to save us, that money could be for the tax case to help with that or it could be to plug the gap in the operating costs.

    We do not know the deal with Ticketus either, remember when we were in debt to Lloyds and the rhags constantly said they are going to pull the plug on us but in reality we had an arrangement with them to pay 1 million of the debt a year?

    Its because of who it is, Craig Whyte is using the same scheme as the old regime yet he is getting hounded in the rhags with complete lies. Why did none of this come out when Murray was in charge and Murray was using the exact same scheme?

    Craig Whyte is the man thats trying to save us whether you trust him or whether you like it. Why dont you give him a bit of support the way he has done with the fans. On here we were dying for someone to come out against the medias constant attack on the club and he has done it, give him support for the task he has at hand and put faith in him to save this club.

    Point your finger at the old regime, we are fucked because of them and them only.

  4. And as I said in another thread...

    Some of the latest comments are embarrassing.

    Why the fuck would you want to send the club down even further by spending money which simply isn't there?

    Im one of Allys biggest supporters but he is to blame as much as any because we got fucked out of Europe twice and that is were alot of the extra income comes from.

    Ally brought in his own players and convinced Whyte to tie down the players he wanted, he then decided to loan out Fleck who is one of our forwards.

    5 million plus add ons, Jelas wage, Weirs wage and others wage. This will cut the costs and get some much needed money.

  5. He promised mccoist funds and even said on a television interview if he had to front end money he would! He said it didnt depend on european football the guys a fucken chancer.

    He promised 5 million a season into the playing staff, McCoist gave him the targets and they were signed, McCoist gave him the players he wanted tied down and they were all tied down on new contracts. All of that would come to more than 5 million.

  6. Paul that is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say.

    You're cleverer than that ffs.

    I'm not saying that the other things you said aren't true..But really? Two results against a team who we have scored for fun against over the last two Seasons and another side who gift wrapped our goals..That means we don't need him?


    I should have maybe worded it better.

    That proves we can get a result without him would have been better but it was pretty stupid to be fair. :lol:

  7. We don't need him????

    Wow....This has been said a couple of times.

    You or anyone else telling me





    Can lead us to the title? Your kidding yourself on

    Ally himself said he would need a Striker (at least) even if Jela stayed.

    The front players we have left are the weakest I have known in the last 10 years at least.

    Then Ally shouldnt be loaning out forwards then.

    Read the bit below about our running costs exceeding our revenue by 10million.

    I care about the safety of the club and that needs to come down like Whyte said, Laff usually comes to life at the end of the season too so lets hope he and Healy can step it up.

    We will be looking at a very cheap option or a loan IMO.

  8. Utter shite. Hemmings, Kerkar, Healy, Lafferty are going to win the league for us? Does anyone in their right mind believe that?

    We have no reliable strikers of proven quality, this is a disastrous situation to be in. Lafferty is a maverick and unreliable, if even fit. Kerkar is shit. Healy is no longer prolific and is not capable of dominating the front line. Hemmings is a prospect at best, and isn't fit either.

    Wee Ginger Man must be creaming his pants at the state of us, as he sits with Hooper, Stokes, Samaras, and Brozek and better young talent than us.

    We need a striker tonight. Anything else is just unacceptable failure.

    Without Jelavic we won 4-0 against Hibs and 3-0 against Well.

    That proves we don't need him.

    Its not a great situation to be in but you have to look at Ally too. Why loan Fleck when it was inevitable Jela was going?

    We have removed Jela from our wage bill and made a bit of money on him and if what Whyte said was correct about our running costs being 45million and our revenue being 35million then its probably the right decision not to sign anyone outside a loan or two.

  9. I am astounded that people would rather believe The Daily Rebel and our old regime, the regime who got us into this mess, refused to use any money to help get us out of it and have taken us to fucking court for more money over the only man who is willing to try and sort this mess out.

    It is incredible.

  10. It seems every post is full of paranoid ramblings of everyone out to get us. Boycott radio channels, papers, tv channels.

    Does anyone think it's maybe time to believe them and stop acting like paranoid tarriers?

    Unaudited accounts...

    No proper business history...

    Accused of fleecing ordinary punters numerous times...

    Previous regime didnt believe he had the funds....

    Gambling our season ticket money away...

    No proper investment on the squad as promised...

    Oh aye lets boycott the record! :anguish:

    Trust the man at your peril.

    The previous regime got us into this fucking mess so fuck what they think.

    The delay in finalising the audit is principally related to the ongoing HMRC tax tribunal.The board of the Rangers Football Club plc is currently considering the merit of maintaining its listing on the PLUS market after May 6 2012, being the date 12 months following the acquisition of the 85.3% holding of the Company by The Rangers FC Group Limited.

    Didnt you read the statement? the old regime were doing the exact same thing.

    There is nothing unusual or untoward in this arrangement which was put in place at the Club long before my takeover last year and was used by the previous management. For members of that regime to criticise the use of a scheme they put in place is, frankly, outrageous.This is a perfectly straightforward way of raising working capital for the Club. Money from season ticket sales goes directly to the Club and is used for the Club's operations and that remains the case. In effect, all this financing arrangement does is release the revenue to the Club earlier.

    There was investment in the squad and investment in the stadium, we signed a number of players and gave out a number of contracts to our top players.

    All you have is a few accusations which never came to anything and someone not willing to share their business history with the public. Is that a cause for such meltdown?

    Over the years we have seen the pish the rhags come out with and this is no different, me you and everyone else knows what like they bastards are and I for one have 100% trust in Whyte.

    I don't see what Whyte gets from any of this, why would he do it? he isnt asset stripping or making money out of this. All I see is a businessman trying to save the club he loves. He isnt like Murray, he is at all our games home and away and he defends the club all the time. He explains in depth everytime there is a cause for concern.

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