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Everything posted by roidrager

  1. also mentioned loo-wel trying to make out his club are free from this sort of thing, if you play the victim card often enough
  2. sick mind, if u could read mine tootz
  3. i think he meant to say anyone but smith
  4. when i put that it came to mind that it would get taken the wrong way, although DP only goes one way eh
  5. look mate we might get implicated with this or we may not, when you live in a backward county such as scotland and all the lovelies it posseses like top notch reporting and unbias journos lol as if i would agree then with you, but there is no harm in distancing ourselves fom this as there are nomarks who dont have a scooby but happy to put two and two together
  6. thanx, back rub perhaps
  7. one nice wee comment dont make him any different, he is vermin although he was sounding genuine, he genuinly is a wank though
  8. am i dreaming, i must be dreaming, shpeers is praising the gers, id say fair doos but never in a million years does one good comment erase your history of victimisation
  9. caller on clyde saying rangers fans are responsible, hard to listen the caller the now started stating he is a bear but i think he is talking of the scum and saying we
  10. aye but no every club is the biggest in the country are they? no every other club will in some way get implicated will they? no every other club need to cover there own at times like this
  11. you no on the wrong team forum mate
  12. wee update after all yer get well comments i have recieved hmmm Missing the last game, neck brace (friggin agony) back issues, just twisted or jarred but i cant move me head much
  13. Have you acted on the chants you heard, alerted the relevant people, wrote a nice e-mail?
  14. Mate it happened in seconds, not a case of apprehend him, pin him, handcuff him then get a boot in, it was seconds and possibly if the guy had a knife you would all see the reasons for over-reactions from lenny (sorryRfc52 i meant to say TLB) and nothing will come of his kick back due to the circumstances around it
  15. i was jumped, hit back an dended up in prison, we are all responsible for our actions and in this situation i would do the same, the guy likely would have got advice beforehand today regarding his rights. just wish he never done it at a footy match
  16. folk still in denial about this, you all know it happened in the space of second, no time to think and the hearts fan actually deserved a proper hiding although never got one, in the street yup do it then but not at a match
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