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John Churchill

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Everything posted by John Churchill

  1. I gave up buyng and reading the herald , years ago, when it still traded -falsely in my view- as the glasgow herald. My reasons were its increasingly anti Rangers stance, its prediliction for snide jokes and asides about the Church of Scotland, and other reformed churches, and an increasingly servile attitude to the church of rome and all its works. Nothing in the last 25 years has given me even the skightest cause to review that decision. The herald was, is, and no doubt will remain a paper in thrall to the irish catholic minority in this country and its agenda.
  2. Were they at Cheltenham Races, by any chance?
  3. Lafferty, I am sorry to say, is a player with no heart.
  4. Has that ugly little quisling bastard with the expression of someone who is perpetually smelling other peole's farts -mcgeady, since you ask- actually ever been on the winning side at Ibrox? I think not. Has Kevin thomson, author of some heroic taskles in the 1st half yesterday ever lost to the vhermin? I think not.
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