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We Will Follow Rangers

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Posts posted by We Will Follow Rangers

  1. If they started broadcasting all away games

    dont think they can show games in the uk live that are on Sky or ESPN? wish they could, dont want sky.

    I think its a big opportunity for the club, fans are more and more looking to the clubs web content for club news and features rather than read the twisted bollocks from the printed press, its something the club is in a position to take a lead on as we can show our live away games in the uk, our clubs website is the most visited football club website in scotland and the 4th most visited in the uk.

    bodes well for the future that the club is investing in IT and its own media.

  2. £6 quid may be a meaningfull amount of cash to some, I can understand in a city with 1 in 4 unemployment why that would be the case.

    for me though its great that the club can show its live games on its own site and still get a revenue stream from those like me whose weekend time to too precious to allow for travelling away to games.

    I couldnt, in good concious watch a poor quality free stream thats 7 minutes behind and buffers and lags, whilst depriving the club of income, £96 gets me an annual subscription to rangers tv plus gets me all non televised away games plus loads of content from the archives, I've got espn through virgin, only watch when rangers are playing as I have no interest in any other team, I wouldnt pay for that if I didnt get it free.

    the clubs investing money in IT, new servers ect to maximise web content and open up new revenue streams, this is the future esp if the future does holds crossborder leagues ect

  3. we will not make any statements which may inflame the situation, particularly to avoid encouraging any hostility between our two sets of supporters

    bit fucking late for that, didnt shy away from putting the boot into our club when we were on our knees, but now they need our cash they dont want to inflame the situation doh

    any bear going the game will be highlighted in the media as going against the club, if we are divided on this, that division will be exploited by our enemies, we need to stand as one, what we face in the new year is an assault on our club in the expectation of stealing our titles won fairly on the pitch.

    this isnt about letting bygones be bygones for whats gone before its about sending a clear message to those who are about to attack our club once again.

    attack us and we will hurt you back.

  4. "It's hardly news that Lloyds orchestrated the sale to get their money back. A shitty thing to do, but you can't fault their business logic. It's probably not illegal and they won't be charged."

    not illegal no, but almost certainly against fsa regs, 2 clear conflicts of interest, and a severe lack of "customer care".

    given that they were at the time 60% state controlled their conduct is well worth looking at.

  5. up until now charles green has proven time and time again that he will listen to the fans, those in bf1 have his ear, as do other supportors group, though last night was a faux pas and regretable, lets not get too carried away with comparisons to that disgrace and shame that is the GB.

    its a passionate subject for a lot of bears who feel that that ibrox is'nt just any old football stadium that can be re-named for money, its also a memorial, it cant be re-named.

    I suspect charles will listen on this, the figures being bandied about just aren't worthwhile to risk the wrath

  6. I think smith is tainted by whyte.

    as part of a treble winning team he should have still been invited.

    but put it this way, I'm glad he's no longer part of rangers, bain got pelters for standing by while murray went mental, smith stood by and kept schtum while whyte drove rangers at the rocks.

  7. this whole test case bollox is just that, the english F.A intervened on their members behalf and helped them do deals with HMRC.

    compare and contrast what our FA did to us..

    what this mr angry is saying, although factually bolllox in most respects, is a sound argument why HMRC should not be given leave to appeal.

  8. wrecking spree in the gallowgate?

    how could you tell?

    hunners of mhanky jakes kidding on their irish to their diddly fiddly (the bru, the weans) music.

    what would any self respecting bear be doing in such surroundings?

    parkhead must have made the russians remember the 70's

  9. 1. any rangers fans attending the game will have allready bought tickets, the purpose of any "picket" allready defeated.

    2. the police will have a criminal justice act ring around dundee and will move on or arrest any rangers fans around the stadium.

    3. whats the point in going to that shithole if your not going to game.

    more chance of the slimey bastard thomson deciding to concede home tie advantage and the tie being moved to ibrox, he'd know 35% of that gate would be more than 50% of a boycotted tannadump

  10. cant see what grounds there would be for an appeal to be allowed

    as stated above the tax expert said we were guilty but the 2 law experts said we weren't.

    no precedent was set by us being found not guilty

    there's no chance of the crown recieving a penny back

    it would cost another 5m for them to have the whole case heard again

    if you havnt allready then get everyone you know to get that petition signed. The Public Accounts Committee control the actions of HMRC, their head is Margaret Hodge.

    Stemcor is Margaret Hodge's family company. Analysis of Stemcor’s latest accounts show that the business expected to pay UK corporation tax of just £157,000 on revenues in the UK of more than £2.1bn.

    mibbess she should recieve some treatment rangers have

  11. allways thought gabby amato was a superb player, no much space for him to run into in league games in scotland with 2 banks of 4 defenders in front of him, awesomely skillfull player shame we never saw him at his best often enough.

  12. as said above no doubt he's complicit in our downfall, both by his lack of a voice while murray ran the club like a madman and for sitting on the board investigation on whyte.

    but he's no any more complicit than david murray, despite that I'd still welcome both their interventions in trying to get justice for our club.

    the louder the better , the more the better.

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