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New Signing (1/12)



  1. just called hotline and the guy said they wont get sold seprately
  2. Never mind that Celtic getting hammered four nil lmao
  3. Conway will go to middlesborough this week. Don't think goodwillie though
  4. Webster and walter don't get on I can see Dundee united getting Webster back
  5. Nice and Simple one : OOO AHH VLADIMIR I SAID OOO AHH VLADIMIR , stuck in my head now lovint it lol
  6. Sky sports verifys weiss is flying into Glasgow today to come to IBROX
  7. Just looking threw some posts about gers signing weiss , Celtic talking about it on there forum they are gutted lmao get it right up you
  8. jelavic aint coming to gers , rapid are being total unprofessional about this lets move on forget about him !
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