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Everything posted by lewislaudrup

  1. Of course she's right i would never divorce the bears!
  2. Im getting married at ibrox in 3 weeks my future wife is always saying i'm marrying rangers not her!
  3. anyone seen the new hamburg home top its fuckin class! wish we where with adidas
  4. i played against marvin andrews in charity match couple years ago! the boy could header ball further than i could kick it.
  5. If you must know i asked him why the fuck was his team taking ivan sproule back! and we all know they dont have the bottle my birthday monday so hopefully title party tuesday
  6. Ha Ha thats what i text my mate back said bank where probably looking to sell ground
  7. probably not cause its bucket day on a thursday!
  8. Just got text from my best mate saying his wife who is chartered surveyor here in edinburgh had been told to go to ibrox to survey it! Anyone think this could do with takeover?
  9. another 72 hours! im sick off waiting watching sky sports news for AND WE HAVE NEWS JUST REACHING US FROM THE STOCK MARKET!
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