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Everything posted by superallysbears

  1. Biggest club in the country comfort blanket lol deluded fucks ! 😂😂🤣
  2. Absolutely wonderful to be a bear tonight 🥰
  3. Went to his bed in a bad mood cause he's actually a taig and after he saw the buff doing his thing and thought he'd get it off his chest by phoning into snyde with some mad story about being a Rangers supporter lol strange breed is the Tim, #55 has got them all going out of their minds. Cheerio Terry Munro 😂
  4. I'd love this cause we could have the chance ruin another one of their leg ends in the process 🤣🤣😃.
  5. Absolute moon howler haha, fuck sake John have word with yourself 🤣🤣🤣😂
  6. Am hearing he's been punted 😂😂🤣🤣 no sure if true though.
  7. Miles off fenian bastard running the line.
  8. This boats not going to do the job tonight!!! 😂🤣
  9. Actually trying to say they done the complete opposite of what actually happened 🤔 honestly they wouldn't take the blame even if I offered them tonight's euromillons numbers.
  10. They were out having a pint in public mixing outside of the bubble ya silly bastard
  11. I've been saying for weeks how it's going to go over these past few weeks and the weeks to come, my pridictions are coming to pass, I believe it's already over 🏆
  12. The last decade of hurt has almost been worth all of it for this, absolutely gold, I'm proud of how we've stuck together, anyone think we're not winning the league?
  13. “At this moment in time we are wounded, there’s no doubt about it and there are probably one or two people out there enjoying it. “Maybe one or two people having a wee fly kick. “I would suggest to them to have a right good kick just now because we won’t be where we are for long. - Alistair Murdoch McCoist.
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