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Everything posted by Fastrax

  1. I come from a family who has supported Rangers since our inception, had a season ticket since I was 2 years old and have the club crest proudly tattoo'd on my heart, forgive me for not listening to some handwringing unidentifiable bint trying to tell me I'm not a Rangers fan.
  2. I support every loyalist Rangers "fans" who want us stripped of our national and religious identity are worse than taigs IMO.
  3. Your idea of what Rangers is, or is going to be, is a completely made up fantasy, thankfully.
  4. You and your pals on here haven't a fucking clue what supporting Rangers is
  5. Thank God these tree hugging hand wringing fucks are only a very small minority of Rangers fans! Infact, don't think I've ever met one in person. Funny that.
  6. .Your sig could not be more fitting in this thread
  7. You're probably the type of kid that if you were in a group of bears and were attacked by tims you'd run like fuck and leave your "fellow" bears to take a hiding. Anyone on here disagree?
  8. Because I don't live in my own wee world and have been a victim of unprovoked police brutality more than once.
  9. "just what they want us to see" Always the same crew on here, always... interesting Snifffffffffffffffffffff
  10. But you have no idea if it was caused by our fans so I have to ask the question, why are you so quick to blame Rangers fans??
  11. What context of his post? he posted the quote and that was that.
  12. Apart from we know they're not sectarian. Fuck you.
  13. You posted quotes from Scotzine's twitter which criminalises the Rangers support. Why?
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