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Everything posted by NamibianBear

  1. Send all the info to SDM, let his lawyers have a look
  2. So the pope walks into a bar...... Seriously now, how do you determine, with those guidelines, what is and isn't allowed? It's all down to some dumbfuck kaflick tim bassa sat at the bbfeckinc to decide then is it?
  3. Ah the auld twa bagga... Also an armed forces favourite I hasten to add (well, was when I was there )
  4. Hut? You think I'm posh or summit? My families all from Gibbs Hill - me no posh
  5. I don't know if I have met anyone - no one has yet said they know me .
  6. How about all the guys on RM come over and visit me (except the Tim bastards)? Bring the beer....
  7. It's them monitoring us so why would they monitor themselves? They are the perpetually offended, not us.
  8. Glad you can see the humour in all this still Boss (and other Admin's). I still reckon you should just tell them to get stuffed but that's me...
  9. Your right to free speech is at risk here! I agree that offensive (AM GONNA KILL ME SOME FENIAN BASSAS or similar in a big loud voice) language is not required on RM and, as there are likely to be a few minors on here, the use of swear words should be in the correct context to teach our youngsters the right way to swear (fuck all terrorists?) but you have the right to say what you feel and should defend that right. Committing a crime, whether on line or not should be investigated but calling all terrorists dumb mother fuckers is not really a crime now is it? Also, as clelandhattrick says, he is entitled to believe what he likes and call every one else deranged - that' HIS opinion! These PC morons need to grow up and go find something better to moan at. Am so glad I left the UK - I now have total free speech Anyway, whens the next debate so we can go back to berating the Tim's?
  10. I think many people take this PC thing to extremes. It's said in many of our forums that they are allowed to call us h**ns but we can't call them anything otherwise they will cwy and cwy until the nasty man is locked up. Try standing up for your rights. You have the right to an opinion and the right to stand on the corner of Hyde Park (should you so wish) screaming your opinion out. The more you allow these fun police to come out with drivel like this, the less rights you, as British citizens, have.
  11. Doesn't affect me mate, I live in a proper democratic country, not some police state
  12. Maybe this is just another punishment handed out from the spl and sfa to the most successful team in the world? We have been naughty so we can pay for their showcase stadium?
  13. Ok I hear you but they have not YET been found guilty of any wrongdoing/crime/rule breach. Don't get me wrong here, I think they will be and I hope they have to repay all our fans that spent money on hotels and the like IF they are found guilty of wrongdoing. Let's see what the tribunal says tomorrow?
  14. See the quote you made about being a c**t.... Seriously, they are not guilty YET because no one in a position of power (a tribunal) has yet found them guilty. No doubt they will be found to be culpable of something and punished accordingly IF they are found guilty of wrongdoing...
  15. Ha Ha, just seen that myself, that explains a lot - sorry you are right then.
  16. No helping some people eh? Were they GUILTY of something? Not yet!
  17. I think we should name it the same as the most supported league in Scotland... Scottish Football League Division 3
  18. Way too harsh! Mind you, they would get better crowds than the current SPHell teams
  19. You live in a democracy, they are innocent until found guilty - tribunal tomorrow.... they are innocent until then.
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