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Everything posted by CHAMPS4LIFE

  1. If brown gets the club I'm protesting lol
  2. The minute these diddy teams set foot on the Ibrox turf they will shite themselves a packed out Ibrox will be the biggest tactic we could employ in these lower leagues
  3. Is it jut me or does it seem that the press have really jumped on the SPL clubs failing without rangers abit tO hard I don't think it's quite as bad as they make out otherwise some clubs wouldn't come out against us because at the end of the day if they are going to go bust then why the hell would they vote against us and don't say sporting integrity because thats useless if you don't have a club!? Press seems to have left us alone for a while now that they have a new bone to chase but it does seem abit SPL propaganda ish
  4. are you old enough to buy a season ticket?
  5. one of the things Green would do if we were put back into the SPL was agree to a voting structure change and more tv money for the smaller clubs so iv heard through various media streams so take it with a pinch of salt but Green isnt going to Celtic and asking for a yes hes going to the other clubs ( that want a change in voting ) so it would make sense!
  6. one thing!!!! one of the sanctions would mean the voting system would change and tv money split more evenly so this is bollocks and playing it up for the Fans theres no way he would want us in the spl if it meant long term damage to celtic
  7. i didnt really pick up on much taig'ness in that post lol its pretty easy to be accused sometimes lol
  8. David Murray a big time business man didn't realise what he was doing and Whyte didn't realise what he was not paying ... There's a reason Alan Carr apologised because there is no one in their right mind that would not know these schemes are not okay in business plus... It turns out Murray ran the club on a bank loan and we payed no one for players ect! Take it on the chin and carry on and lets get back to football
  9. Sporting integrity lies with the other clubs if they still vote against I'm okay with that but if this is the plan Green has set out then fuck it I'm behind him I'd rather see Gers stable with penalties than dropping down to Div3 just to fuck over the Spl
  10. At the end of the day we have to accept there was wrong doing by people at the club and responsibility for the mess lies with us BUT why would you expect Green not to push for us in the Spl? I know I'll get bad reps and probably be told I'm reeking but I would rather we just tried to draw a line and get back to football I'm fucking sick of all the shite and te romance of playing in Div3! If green feels the club would Benefit better in the Spl ten so be it and I'm telling you every consortium would have done the same! Walter included
  11. make it totally blank apart from 5 MASSIVE stars across the chest lol
  12. see if they hadnt fucked us over consistently with punishment after punishment and just hit us with this in the first place id of accepted it
  13. yas thats the one i was about 6 its one of the earliest memories of that feeling you get when the Gers score got to love this one too
  14. i feel a petition to get him out coming !!!
  15. what i want to know is who will the fans representative be for the fans share ?
  16. oh fuck aye the mans right ... fucking wee rat Green distracting us there ahhhhhhhhh caught out you swine
  17. so when Green backs his words up with actions matching them whats gonna happen with all these muppets apparently with our interests at heart they are gonna have some serious amounts of egg on their faces especially Dingbat who should be ousted if Green is a man of his words!!! telling us no to buy season tickets .....
  18. there wont be a majority by anyone i would assume
  19. if he said that first one in Bold the guy shouldnt have a single fan against him because that is a fucking class line hes hit out with and the last one shows hes no caring about these muppets on FF and other places he just wants to get the job done and answer what ever questions thrown at him even though the idiots dont believe him anyway
  20. recently when i was in the ibrox suite watching us win the league ... what an atmosphere when the 3 goals in 7 mins went in!
  21. i was abit young to remember the other team or even the score but all i remember is Coisty scoring a beast of an overhead kick in the box if someone could find a video of it that would be great!!
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