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Big V

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Everything posted by Big V

  1. Law of averages. He puts a lot of balls in, which is a good thing - but all too often his final ball lets him down, and I am not just talking about this game. I like the wee guy, he is one of my favourite players on the team. If he could just improve his final ball percentages he'd develop from an exciting prospect into a very dangerous player.
  2. It's like watching the blue touch paper burn on a really big expensive looking rocket, only to have it fizzle 15 feet into the air and pop no louder than a balloon. His running at defence is fantastic, but the wee man is firing blanks in terms of his final ball.
  3. http://rangerstv.tv/viewliveall34575.php?c=Live&it=10778&act=watch
  4. I'm desperate for the task to begin, whoever it is that undertakes it.
  5. The committee wont be choosing a version, it will be identifying various alternatives, there will be a poll to choose which one we adopt. No, see above.
  6. Personally I think it is clear from the massive amount of discussion that the majority want it back, and the majority also accept that the lyrics need to be modernised. I am more confident than ever that we can effect positive change in this - of course it will take effort, but doing something worthwhile is not often easy. I am in favour of a line that is related to our ongoing trials and tribulations. Ultimately we will have a vote on what new lyrics should be sung - and there will be various options but I really like the idea of encompassing our trials into the lyrics. The major offending line could be changed to many things - one that I thought of, which I haven't seen elsewhere is: "The tried to kill the Rangers, but we will never die". Like I said though, various acceptable alternatives will be presented after liaison with law enforcement, the club, and UEFA - and we will decide together as a support which one to sing - from there it's just a case of publicising the lyrics and making the penalties clear for public transgression. So far the police have responded positively to various alternatives - and given the overwhelming support for this, I suspect the club will get on board when we approach them in a sensible manner. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly. What we are doing here is pro-actively cleaning up our act - and I should think that would be supported by all interested parties.
  7. Well this thread is Well this thread is for nominations not the actual vote - I need to contact the people nominated to make sure they are willing/able to join the committee if voted in, then hold the vote. Originally I had planned to have this whole process completed by the end of next week, however given the momentum that we currently have, I am aiming now to get the committee up and running by Wednesday.
  8. This isn't about what is inoffensive, it's about what is legal.
  9. Given the amount of discussion on the various blogs and forums, and the number of people who have taken it upon themselves to contact FOCUS and the club, I am thinking I should push forward the nominating and voting schedule too get this committee up and running faster. As such nominations will now close at midnight tonight - voting will begin as soon as I have contacted all nominees - ideally on Sunday, but no later than Monday.
  10. This is just one aspect, the local police, we still need support from the club who originally banned it, and in addition we need to liaise with UEFA to ensure it wont cause sanctions. Nevertheless a good step in the right direction. At this rate all the committee tasks will have been undertaken and completed before the committee even gets set up.
  11. I am open to the possibility of a 3 person panel. This wasn't just my idea, other people have been involved - but if a reasonable consensus is reached I am happy to go with it. With regard to your comment about the judicial committee, the main difference is that those people do it full time, and have for years, and the discussion was in their subject area of expertise.
  12. They will be some of the people the committee contacts once the authorities and club have been liaised with.
  13. Or you could not pre-empt all our best efforts - and join/support the committee who's task is to do this properly.
  14. Not a bad effort. I think more will become clear on the lyrics as the committee progresses its task.
  15. Hence the need for the committee currently being nominated upon.
  16. Bill McMurdo has just got back to me and says he and CRO will support and promote this.
  17. This would be a potential action for the committee under the remit of liaison.
  18. They are not syllabically identical - pay attention to the last line.
  19. After nominations close there will be a poll - each nominee that accepts the nomination will have the opportunity to write a statement of why they want to do it, and what they feel qualifies them.
  20. Yes. I envision a scenario such as: Step 1) Liaise with the club to identify which lyrics they require changing in order to support the song. Step 2) Liaise with the aforementioned organisations and come up with some alternatives. Step 3) Pay for a suitably qualified legal professional to provide their opinion on the legality of the proposed alternatives. Step 4) Present the bullet-proof legal alternatives to the club to ensure they are acceptable. Step 5) Hold a vote on which of the remaining bullet-proof, club-supported alternatives to use - the vote would be online using some poll service such as surveymonkey - and would be widely publicised online, on social media, and (potentially) at home games - and also potentially emailed/written to all season ticket holders. Step 6) Inform the club of the agreed new lyrics, and make a plan to ensure that they are sung. Step 5 would need to be carefully thought about to negate the possibility of supporters of other clubs voting.
  21. Part of the task is to come up with a workable strategy for the implementation of change, once agreed - this would include flyering/publication in the match-day programme, and so on. These are all things that would reach attendees at Ibrox irrespective of their affiliation to any given organisation - these are the people who need to see it, so it is, in a way, one of the most crucial aspects of the effort.
  22. Agreed, and yes these tasks would be included for the committee.
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