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Posts posted by hammer93

  1. Why did he sign them then? We didn't even need them. By January our club was looking at a huge financial loss and heading straight back into the debt we had allegedly come out of. The club had no money.

    Your right again, did you notice the team we fielded in the scottish against utd?

    If that was a squad that didn't need new faces then i must be missing something.

  2. This is another wild statement. You do realise there is a difference between being a player and being a manager?


    surely if he dosen't cut it as a player he would move on so whats the difference?

    we either back him or sack him but had the fans got their wishes in 85 he would of been sacked,

    he would never of became a legend if that was the case.

  3. With all the negativity surrounding our team just now lets put our best foriegn 11 together, heres mine playing


    1. klos

    2. porrini

    3. Numan

    4. Amouroso

    5. Cuellar

    6. Gattusso

    7. Laudrup

    8. R de boer

    9. Prso

    10. Mols

    11. Albertz

    Not a bad side in my reckoning, anyone else with any others. :21:


  4. The only thing keeping the wolf from the door is McCoist's status. It's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

    He deserves time and loyalty from the fans, if in 6-8 weeks its not getting better im sure coisty will go


    Until such times, is it too much to ask to support the manager as well as the team!

    we pride ourself on our loyalty, time to start showing it. :7325:

  5. Embarassing...

    We are playing vastly inferior teams. We are Rangers. Not some diddy team.

    here lies the problem, if the players believe these teams are so inferior then that might be the problem to beating


    what we need to remember is that this is a very inferior Rangers side to we are used to watching!

    The team that got to Mnchester struggled to beat QOS in the cup final 4 years ago, we dont have a divine right to

    win every game, victories need to be earned. :7325:


  6. I'll tell you something, I'm sure it was the Elgin captain that halfed him at Ibrox on Sunday there, I turned around and said to my cousin Black will half him before full time. Minutes later the referee booked him for a nothing challenge.

    IMO the referee protected that player, by ensuring Black wouldn't do anything daft to risk a red card.

    When i ask for protection i want the relevant tackles dealt with in the right way a red card.

    I was at pittodrie the day durranty got snapped, when players delibaratley go over the ball

    i tend not to see the funny side of it.


  7. Protection ? From what/ whom ?

    He's a grown man who can look after himself.... we need a return to a Rangers side that can look after themselves.

    Protection ..... pah.... you , the OP must be a youngster eh ?

    I'm 42, dont come on greeting if one of these tackles put

    him on the sidelines!

    The last I checked he wasn't playing the role of iron man.

  8. Before Black signed for us he could have rotted in hell for all i cared.

    Since he has signed for us he has been a leader both on and off the park.

    He has been tackled (horrendously at times) but has got back on his feet and carried on like a man. Unfortunately there is going to be a tackle that he will not be able to get up at.

    So the imo the boy needs protection from the officials. Will he get it? No f^cking chance.

    Thats my point, he wont be lucky all season especially if he is marked man.

  9. Now i know he is no angel on the pitch but fuck me some of the tackles on him

    Have been horrific.

    The one at Berwick was just an assualt, and needs to be stopped before its to late

    For the lad.

    As a club the last thing we need is paying big wages for players services we can't

    call on.


  10. To younger bears you may ask who and the older bears why, the answer is simple!

    When Redford grabbed the ball in the last minute of the 81 cup final i sat and held

    my breath he stepped up an missed the kick to win the cup.

    My anger soon turned to joy as my old man promised to take us to the replay happy days.

    The 1st game was poor probably due to the fact my real hero coops had been dropped?

    The coops was reinstated and him and Bobby Russel tore utd to shreds as we hammered

    them 4-1, im sure that day that fucker jobby hands had finally croaked it and the bears

    belted out the famous chicken supper song.

    Happy days for this 10yr old but i owe it all to Mr Redford.

    WATP :clap: :clap:

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