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Everything posted by BlueVanguard

  1. How many managers have came in and thought they could fix this lot? How many managers got a tune out them for a few months then they downed tools? How many Managers have been sacked due this team? How many more Managers will be sacked due to this team? when is how many enough? Time for a fucking clear out Rangers its needed the fans have told use for fucking years now ITS NOT FUCKING WORKING!!!
  2. Never expected us to due to the man down and up against a cheating ref and 11 players and 60,000 tinkers.
  3. Celtic look like they have 20 players on the park and Gollum is one of them. Absolutely convinced he's a cheating bastard. How that was a penalty ill never know.
  4. How many times and how many managers have we told these core players need to go. How many fucking times honest to fuck and they keep coming in and building around our core group of losers. Own goal and a red card in a game he shouldn't have been any where near. A young lad from the academy might have lacked experience but by fuck he would have gave you more than Lundstrum gave today.
  5. Clement should tell him to get ready and get a fucking taxi home. Can't believe he done that knowing that ends with a red.
  6. That will be that then. Hate them so fucking much by the way no word of a lie. Get so far to fuck
  7. Say what you want about Dessers but he has a big fucking heart and wants to do well
  8. Such a fucked up thing to do, Never known a player to ever do that. Weird
  9. Baby Reindeer was a huge success on Netflix but never knew Richard Gadds story was about Brendan Rodgers.
  10. Never know this team might just surprise us today. Fingers crossed. If they win ill be some fucking nick that's for sure.
  11. Wish our players would just stfu sometimes. Say nothing and turn up and do the talking on the park. I would be telling reporters bare minimum.
  12. That's only if you want rid of Covid and your an American - Donald Trump
  13. Hope the players have as much passion as Bobby Sands did in the Maze My mind is filled with sick shit on days like this.
  14. And we will still turn up every other week to watch them. They will play a part in our deaths with the stress and anxiety they put us under The things you do for love.
  15. The way the media portray things up here you wouldn't think Clement already had 1 cup in the bag mate with another final to look forward to. Regardless of how the league pans out a cup double would be an unreal achievement for Clement.
  16. At least come 2:30pm i wont support a club who covered up child abuse. So that's one positive
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