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.Williamson. last won the day on July 17

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    Mid Ulster.

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  1. That disease is right up there with the things that terrify me to my very core
  2. Load of bent shite, and I mean the games themselves Running and swimming etc. Load of gay nonsense
  3. Going to have my evening ruined by seeing this loser again
  4. If it is full of young players like the other night that will never see our starting 11 in league games I want Phil sacked this evening
  5. OP should fucking mind his own business
  6. You’re a bit of a moron aren’t you
  7. Hard to believe it’s the same type of football played in Scotland as what you see the likes of Real Madrid play
  8. Must have happened right after kick off. I’ve been watching from 3 mins in and didn’t see it
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