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Everything posted by BlueVanguard

  1. Some people need to leave for trains and buses etc and on a Wednesday night is murder. When i head up to Ibrox i get a bus and two trains and having kids you want to beat the long cues at subway and the potential of missing a bus, train.
  2. Livi aint won away from home since August. And 9 games without a win Celtic will beat them easily.
  3. Gordon Smith commenting on fans leaving and Tom putting him in his place about fans and public transport. All right for you Gordon you can head into a nice warm room for refreshments and head home when the traffic dies down.
  4. Can see the comments online already ..... " Another penalty saves Rangers " Fucking up yeez
  5. St Johnstons tactics are embarrassing. We should keep the ball in our half and let them come get it fs
  6. Hopefully they come out looking for a goal and it opens more spaces. Really need another goal to kill this. They will be getting more confident of nicking something
  7. To take the chances when we get them mate. Should be 2 or 3 goals ahead.
  8. These are the sort of shite painful games where we dominate possession, miss our chances with a 1 goal advantage and they end up scoring. C'mon to fuck Rangers. 1 more goal
  9. When was the last time we came out against a low block side in the league and blew them away and took 90% of our chances? Feels like forever. Brutal stuff
  10. Agree fully. His reaction tonight shows the raw emotion also. Really feel for him. Hope hes doing his badges etc for something to fall back on to.
  11. Wont hold my breath but that boy who got the red should be facing a SFA panel.
  12. Hope Clement tells the ref at half time that if there is anymore hammer throwing he will be sticking the Glasgow kiss on him
  13. Exactly my thinking. Hard aggressive football so we panic and dont play freely. Need another goal then get the key players off.
  14. Fucking cant stand Tom hes a yes man and always petrified to state the obvious.
  15. This is fucking grim. St Johnston have about 9 men in defence. Can just tell this is going to be a tough slog.
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