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Everything posted by BlueVanguard

  1. I'm sure if they both seen the handballs and the kick on Butlands head etc they would change there opinion.
  2. The absolute shite this mob are spinning online and through the media is laughable. And even on commentary through Sky Sports has went up 10 fold since Sutton joined the ranks. Motherwell's Penalty claim also was laughable, They where 2 handballs before the shirt pull and Dessers and the Motherwell player where both at it. And then a boot into Butland's face that no one has spoke about. Do these fucking idiots just ignore the rules to suit the agenda. If a big decision goes against us in Celtics favour on Saturday then you know the trick worked and our Club should be doing everything to publicly come out and challenge these fanny's. Every shirt pull in the box is not a penalty and not every handball is not a penalty but anything to suit the narrative i suppose. We better win tomorrow and Saturday because i reckon the meltdown coming from that lot will be just as big if not bigger than the 55 season.
  3. Tony Docherty will have his Dundee team right up for this against Celtic .... Not !
  4. Somehow thought this game was today. Days are all mixed up man . If Adams thinks the league is as poor as League 2 England then surely he will have his Ross County team come out playing attractive attacking football?
  5. It really cringes me that grown men act like this Grown men wearing Celtic tracksuits also is a riot.
  6. My 5 year old got this? Does this count
  7. Weans excitement was driving me up the wall ended up in the kitchen making dinner now with a beer Cannot wait till this dinners sorted and sit on my fat arse and watch some movies.
  8. Somebody fucking time me out next time im on the bevy stating Beale would be good at Sunderland. FFS No wonder your laughing @King Jela Ill take the award for worst post on here. Ill take the pelters i deserve it
  9. I have seen lies on this forum but this takes bitter liar to next level You are acting like a raging ex girlfriend towards him Anyway Thank fuck its not Dubai this winter break.
  10. I genuinely think he might do well at Sunderland. Rangers was just far to big for him with the demands. I don't really know why I think he will do well just have a feeling things might go a bit better for him.
  11. And that's why he will be leaving as he won't be getting another contract. He is better being offered a Mututal Termination in January or let go in the summer. We don't owe Roofe anything of course we don't he scored important goals here and there, Like last Thursday night in Seville. We all want him to go now but the way people are coming across is just uncalled for. He was clearly distraught the other night and God knows how he is feeling deep down with it all. Its best for all parties that Roofe leaves especially as we need fit players but I won't be wishing him to " get tae fuck ".
  12. Stats for this game are a riot Leveins a total cunt man. We next play them away on the 17th of Febuary so we better go there and make sure we finish our chances or it will be another brutal watch
  13. This get him to fuck patters a riot. Mate he scored the winner for us going into the last 16 he deserves a bit more respect. He will be leaving at the end of the summer anyway or might even leave in January. Feel for the guy man. Must be brutal knowing you are at a massive club, Last 16 of Europe and in a title race, Scottish Cup coming up also and you can't participate.
  14. Was on YouTube watching clips of Bologna and Lewis Ferguson has been unreal. He was one player we should have took to us.
  15. Fucking idiot Gordon (Panel) on Clyde 1 tonight basically saying what goes around comes around with Lundstrum because he has history of hard Tackles The fucking mentality of these cunts man honest to fuck.
  16. Fuck Celtic and there fucking shite allocation. They can ram it. There stadiums a fucking stinking piss stained tramp house. The thought of them never stepping foot in Ibrox again gives me an Eric shaun.
  17. I do agree but last night his tactics where criminal and the fact his players treated it like a UFC event surely stems from the managers approach to the game.
  18. From all the injuries Keemar has had I really feel sorry for him with this one. This injury really feels like the end now. (Which I'm glad about as we need a more reliable strikers, but also gutted for him)
  19. Recalling him is never really straight forward. Usually with loan moves they are things in place for recalls etc. Could even be a small fine to pay out or the fact we might end up paying his full wage again while his loan club might have been covering his wages or a percentage of it. Some loan moves might not even allow a recall if a deal is cemented of a future fee also. I have heard that contracts these days are a lot more creative shall we say
  20. Craig Levein is 100% the guy who farts in the packets of ham
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