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The Educator

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Everything posted by The Educator

  1. Could be, in a recent posting I said that it was strange that as soon as our UEFA money was being witheld that the SPL teams were getting more of the cash they were owed from the league. It has been estimated on the forum that the money being withheld from Rangers is around £3.4 million. If the SPL/SFA were required to hand this over within 48 hours I don't think they would have it. If it has been distributed to the SPL clubs and they were required to repay it all but one would be forced into administration.
  2. While being bored by the lack of any coverage of the current Rangers/SFA story on the BBC or Sky my mind drifted off and I came up with the following. Hypothetically speaking, let’s say there was a situation where an ageing judge who would like to be remembered for one big case that crowned his career and has sadly made a complete mess of it. First he goes after a local council for being sectarian and it turns out to be fantasy. Second he gets suckered in to thinking that there is some sort of coven of sexual deviants operating within the courts. Sadly once again it's exposed as a total fantasy. So here we are the hypothetical attention seeker once again is so blinded by the thought of immortality that he is once again is easily duped into throwing his weight behind a conspiracy to fraudulently strip a world famous sporting institution of trophies that were won fair and square, a conspiracy dreamt up by jealous rivals and corrupt officials. Sadly he finds that once again he has entered the realms of total fantasy, but this time he really has bitten of more than he can chew and no matter the consequences he has to see it through to the very bitter end knowing that he will only be remembered for being the nearly man. The man who wanted notoriety so bad that he was blinded to the reality of what he was doing. I wonder how this poor ageing soul would be remembered by his peers and the world at large after the truth of his situation was exposed. Of course this tale is totally hypothetical, just like those silly hypothetical match fixing scandals that somebody keeps making.
  3. If true, great news. Any abandonment would surely bring about the resignations of Regan, Doncaster and Lunny. I wonder if they knew in advance that Nimmo was going to make the statement he did a couple of days back as it certainly has caused them problems. It's probably the reason we are still waiting for their reply to CG's take on it. They certainly seem to have boxed themselves in, however like snakes they can sometimes slither of the hook just when you think you've got them trapped. Why would Traynor sit on the story? Jounalists always want to grab their headlines at times when they will get the biggest coverage so I prsume that would be his reasoning here, if in deed there is a story to put out.
  4. Is that going to be your intro page dedication on one of the books then? May I suggest a title "The Rebirth of Rangers & the Demise of Celtic at their own hands"
  5. If we win the two EBT cases and someone can prove collusion between the heads of the SFA, SPL, banking officials and the officials of a certain football club all hell would break lose in the media. From the top of my head I think that after various court cases there would be a bill for compensation for loss of income, lose of share value and losses faced through selling on players on the cheap would probably be in the region of £60 million at least. Any club that would be found guilty would have to be banned from playing in the Scottish leagues and indeed be banned from playing any home games within Scotland if they were to join any other league set up. At the moment there are just too many if's and but's for anybody to say what is likely to happen. You see any such collusion would be not only deemed as a form of match fixing, but as industrial espionage on a massive scale.
  6. I seem to remember that CG gave the SFA the money to be distributed via a cheque. The refused saying thet they were not a "clearing house", I had presumed that the money was the returned to CG as he said he then paid the clubs directly except for Dundee Utd. If the cheque was not returned I'm pretty sure CG would have them dead to rights for fraud.
  7. I might be wrong, but I seem to remember that after the expansion of the main stand SDM had been looking at doing something similar all round the stadium. If my memory servs me well this was knocked on the head by Glasgow City Council with the lame excuse that it would interfere with the flight path of plane coming into Glasgow Airport. The crazy thing was they failed to notice two freekin' great tower block further down the road towards the airport that were taller than the proposed expansion. The don't call it the Glasgow Celtic Council for nothing you know.
  8. I would expect that the delay is down to two things. One: They are begining to realise that the further they take this who situation then the worse it will be for them in the end and as such they will all want to know what if anything might have been said by the others involved. Two: They will be examining the copy that was printed in the papers to try and find anything that will identify who leaked it. No doubt they would love to pin it on CG to back up their latest trumped up "Disrepute" charge.
  9. Bill, I might meet all of the "Protestant, Unionist, Loyalist and Rangers supporter" citeria, but I also think that if we are on here to help Rangers then there should have been a single petition about what's going on agaist the club. For that reason I'll not be signing the petition as it stands. I have no doubts that a large part of it has been generated by religion, I seem to remember a certain statement made by an ex-government minister on the Celtic board that even had some of their own fans wondering if he was talking about their club or a religious grouping. At this moment in time our fight is with the SFA/SPL officials and member clubs who would put us under. If we expose them for doing it for reasons other than football that will come as a by product of exposing the bogus charges and conspiracy that have been launched against us.
  10. I doubt if CG wouldlet the SFA anywhere near the cash that has come in from those players who have left. However if they were holding any of this cash than agreements be damed and take them to court. Hypothetically, I wonder if any club who received some of the prize money that was not forwarded to CG, the Old Co or the administrators/liquidators could be liable for receiving the proceeds of an illegal act. It should be noted that CG's agreement to waive any rights to the money was done under duress. Now I'm no expert on the law, but it has always been my impression that any contract signed under duress would not stand up to a legal challenge. So bang goes the agreement on the money and funnily enough the transfer embargo as well.
  11. Having read CG's coments about the SFA not forwarding on the £330,000 UEFA money I was wondering if anybody out there has a total for the amount of money that seems to have been stolen/extorted from Rangers. Would I be correct that it is now in the region of £2.9 million? As a fan I have no great complaint if this money is deemed to belong to what they now call the "Old Co" as long it is passed on to the administrators/liquidators for distribution to those who were owed money. However if it is not going to them and it is not going to CG then I can only take the view that it has been stolen by the SFA/SPL. They can't even make a claim that it has been used to pay the footballing debts in Scotland as CG has been forced to take this on and pay it from the funds of the "New Co". To my knowledge the £330,000 was not covered by the document that CG was forced to sign to get our licence therefore there is no legal reason for it to be held by the SFA. Perhaps somebody out there can clarify this for me. It may be a coincidence, but no sooner than the UEFA cash come in that is meant to go to Rangers the SPL can suddenly talk about payng the balance of the money they owed to its member clubs for short payment in TV revenue. Btw, did the SPL ever cough up the £2 million owed to the SFL?
  12. Much has been written on this and other forums regarding the fight for justice we have with the SFA/SPL. If we are to get justice we must separate the fact from the fiction of what has gone in to print. If you believe that you have evidence against these bodies and any co-conspirators please double and triple check it before going online with it, for it to be of any use further down the line it has to be accurate and documented so that it cannot be rubbished and swept under the carpet as so much has been in the past. A certain individual has made much of s dossier about Rangers in recent years, once we have documented proof of what has been done and said by whom it can be collated and used against those who would destroy our club. If we are going to fight back then we have to make sure that every counter attack lands with the maximum impact. This will be along fight and I dare say we will take a few more hits along the way, but it can be won, but only if we keep our selves clean of smears and plain sectarian rhetoric that have no place on a Rangers forum and only serve to help the opposition in their cause. The fight back starts now.
  13. Just to educate some here on the word illegal. Illegal Against the law “Collins Essential English dictionary” il•le•gal adjective 1. forbidden by law or statute. 2. contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc.: The referee ruled that it was an illegal forward pass. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/illegal Illegal prohibited by law; against the law; unlawful; illicit; also, not authorized or sanctioned, as by rules • www.yourdictionary.com/illegal Therefore by definition the ban was illegal as it was against the rules to impose it.
  14. I would have thought that the court official who deemed the ban on signing players to be illegal would now step in and find the SFA/SPL in contempt of court by forcing the club to accept it via the threat of with holding their SFA licesnce. If it was illegal to issue it is even more illegal to not only re-issue it, but to also use a form of extortion to force the club to comply.
  15. Here, is a message to the SFA, the SPL and the clubs who voted us out. Beware from now on every decision you make will be monitored for what you call "sporting integrity". As Celtic fans giving money to clubs who voted against us these payments will also be monitored as there may be a "prima facia" case of trying to influence their performance if they face you in any competition. The SFA's view on any such financial support of this kind will also be monitored to make sure that they examine them as to their sporting integrity. There may already be a "prima facia" case where for a certain Scotish club trying to gain influence over match officials decisions through a campign of constant harassment in the press by the executive, management and players of the said club. Where is the SPL/SFA investigation in this? The words "match fixing" have been used in conection to aledged dual contracts by Rangers, but if any club seeks to gain an advantage by infuencing match officials then that is a form of match fixing. Now a message to the fans. Over the last two years some very strange decisions were made involving Rangers, by the football authorities, a certain bank and HMRC. These will now be examined to ensure that nothing was done by any to bring about a situation to a) disadvantage Rangers and b) to advance the cause of any particular football club at Rangers expense. There are many who feel that there has been an organised campaign via the web and the press against Rangers over this time, again it's time for all Rangers fans to examine who if anybody was involved and to whom they owed their allegiance if any. There only seems to be one group who has seemingly benefited from what has happened to Rangers, for the sake of "sporting integrity" let's hope their hands are clean. Lastly when an attempted murder the first ones usually suspected are those with financial motive, the obvious suspect is Mr Whyte, however if there was a campaign it wass in existance long before he came on the scene. A certain public figure over the last two years has made much of a dossier he had compiled, let's hope he remembers that he's not the only one who can do this, "what goes round comes round". It's time to organise, examine and fight back. I don't know if Mr Green & Co have the stomach for this so as the fans of the club it is up to us to take up the fight. We are Rangers, not Green, Whyte or SDM.
  16. I tried to post this on another thread and I'm not sure if it got through, but here goes. The powers that be (ha ha) have not thought this through, if the EBT's case goes in Rangers favour and I have no doubts that it could, and a successful case is found against Whyte the club will be a victim and as such cannot be punished. As sanctions have already be applied based on Rangers being the instigator and not the victim a situation may well arise where financial damages can be sought from the SFA & the SPL clubs who voted Rangers out. When you consider the possible lose of value of the playing pool, sponsorship, TV rights and other revenue they could well liable for compensation bill of around £50-60 million. How many of these clubs would survive this? Probably none. Furthermore an investigation would have to be opened in to why these decisions were taken in advance of any "legal" judgement. That's when it may well come out about who was pushing for these decisions to be made and what their vested interests were if any. There has been much talk of sporting integrity of late, but there seems to be none being applied by the football authorities through the decisions they are making. The continual adding of conditions to granting the SFA licence may well be illegal, but that's one for the lawers to sort out, but I'd like to hear that Green & Co should have a damn good look at this and put up a fight.
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