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danger ranger

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Posts posted by danger ranger

  1. Do you think he could raise £10m tomorrow? If so, don't you think he should do it?

    He sounds like a fucking teenager. "I could have shagged that bird/battered that bloke, I just couldn't be arsed."

    I think he is making a point at this moment Rangers don't need money and money will be provided when and if they need it. Also the TV debate is a wind up to the take over merchants, because they will have to prove him wrong. I can't see CG wanting a debate unless he 100% sure of himself and his investors/ board room.

    I don't think a public debate is a good idea and I hope it doesn't happen, but CG must feel the need to silence his critics by inviting them to put up or shut up.

  2. Good interview from Green, saying the things we all want to hear as usual. Still don't trust him.

    That Peter is horrendous though, about as subtle as a plane crash.

    He is only saying what did happen last year and business is a dirty business, he is going to be economical with the truth. I liked when faced with damming questions he said "I could say you are ugly" and the defender of the faith line was sweet.

  3. Did he?

    Some Rangers fans really are easy to irritate these days. Best idea might be for any Rangers player or former Rangers player is to write down anything they intend to say, send it to a fans group for scrutiny, editing and approval and then read it out. And don't answer off the cuff questions by the media, in case you get the answer wrong, having not had the chance to think fully before giving the answer.

    what is there to edit, it is evident that Rangers are guilty by lack of any efforts to answer the accusers head on by speaking the truth, of which needs no editing by anyone, but there is a lack of it, unlike Hearts who have plenty of support as victims and will suffer nobody running them down. Even At the launch of the new league they couldn''t keep Rangers out of it as wrong doers, celebrating a new beginning by running Rangers down. Maybe they should edit their own words to show parity to all clubs.

  4. iIts not so much of what they say anout other clubs. but you never hear them say it about Rangers, everybody connected with football and the media hasn't a nice word for Rangers, that includes former Rangers players especially the ones in the media. We are Scottish football but are treated like lepers , why couldn't,t Lee say words of comfort for Rangers in the article, giving us a bit of support, no he choose to back Hearts as victims of a tyrant and leave us looking guilty while earning money from us, maybe he should go back to Hesrts and play for nothing. It sickens me after not being guilty of any crime, still no apologies or elevated to our rightful place in Scottisf football, we even had Souness pronouncing us guilty at the start of the new league to further hammer home the fact that we are only here to provide them all with easy money.

  5. Eh Ibrox was always empty? There were two seasons before Murray arrived and the Souness Revolution was well under way!

    Lawrence Malborough and David Holmes brought Souness to Rangers. Get your facts right before you start defending a man who would only defend himself and not our great club!

    Read the thread title before you post. :excl:

  6. Don't you see that this is much more than just a couple of hate filled articles ? It is a continuous attempt to denigrate and besmirch both our club and its support...and as many would argue our culture. But I dont want to bring the cuture aspect into it - though I believe it to be true.

    Its sufficient for me that persistent malicious stories, lies, dehumanising comments are coming from a small number of sources - add Spiers to this equation and it utterly churns my stomach that our club continue to entertain these individuals.

    Keevins can write what he likes, it's the clubs responsibility to protect its name and supporters, but over the last year certain people within Ibrox have used the media to gain advantage at Ibrox, maybe this is why nothing is done. Also over the years Rangers have done nothing but take every piece of slander against the club and put the blame on the supporters by meekly accepting everything thrown at them with apologies for being Protestant. Rangers are bringing it upon them selfs, and there is nothing the fans can do if the club doesn't fight for its self.

  7. The Bheasts will bombard him into silence

    It's what they do

    Its what they have always done and will always do, its their upbringing or rather the lack of it. Well lets face it, brainwashed, butt fucked and abused by you know who, no wonder they have no grasp on reality and that people actually live in a free thinking society void of any of the evil issues that are foremost and ever present in their sorry minds.

  8. “Scotland – probably the best small-minded country in the world” No doubt about it, a nation of losers.

    Scotland “moral guardians of society” – the press. You are being cynical?.

    Scotland may surprise you with her shameless levels of hypocrisy. Been going on for hundreds of years.

    what kind of “democracy” is Scotland. A treacherous one.

    Scotland has aspirations of self-governance. If they can't govern them self then how can they govern the people?.

    It doesn't come as a surprise that most Scots who leave to live in another Country, leave all of the above behind and are successful and well thought of.

  9. The common denominator for all concerned in the Scottish game is money not building a stronger game, that includes people at Rangers who earned plenty of money in the past and now are still making a good living while offering up anything but a better or stronger game, that's the reason for all the bullshit sucking up to the fans, its the big sell. Some of the comments from Ibrox like "we will never forget who kicked us when we were down" or Mather's comment about getting back at our enemies of which if CG had said that, he would have been fined by the SFA, are no more than playing to the galleries. What could they do?, throw bricks through their living room windows!!.

    They are all in bed with each other, business deals, playing golf together, dinner etc. on the money the fans stump up each year, while offering up a rubbish brand of football. We all know how football should be played, we watch year after year how other teams the world over wipe the floor with us, and yet here we are again rebuilding Scottish football, bullshit it will never happen, they are too busy filling their and their pals pockets.

    If the fans keep turning up nothing will change, you just have to accept it, I have. Its funny how the fans of other teams in Scotland have stopped going, maybe they have realised it over the years.

  10. What's all the angst with the 'humble' word. Craig Mather has to date filled the boots of interim CEO more than adequately and I fail to see where humility diminishes his own or the Club's status. John Ruskin said it better than I ever could:

    The first test of a truly great man is his humility. By humility I don't mean doubt of his powers or hesitation in speaking his opinion, but merely an understanding of the relationship of what he can say and what he can do.

    As my auld Granny used to say " if you haven't anything good to say ,say nothing ".

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