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Uncle Fester

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Everything posted by Uncle Fester

  1. Seriously there are cunts on here who will applaud Davis and the other rats while calling Dave King a monster..You couldn'ae make this shite up.
  2. Fucking traitor, this place is hoaching with micks, posting shite like this and getting likes.
  3. I'm just sad you didn't copy and paste the article and claim it as your own.
  4. FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!!!! I don't read those fucking rags but thanks to you I get this shit shoved in my face...CHEERS
  5. Aye they are that, but most here voted them in rather than have an SNP council.
  6. I'm afraid that would be me! I'll get back to you shortly right or wrong as he's running out of time I'm afraid. That said I won't stoop to a level were one Rangers supporter describes other Rangers supporters that have different opinion as morons.
  7. Seen the score on flashscores so watched the last 4 minutes, best laugh I've had in quite a while!
  8. So the law is now applied ad hoc depending on who's in charge on the day what a fucking joke!
  9. I've got Aberdeen as they were around 12.000.000 in debt last summer and hemorrhaging around 25k a week. What a party that will be for me as I get a turn and a big wish come true. Yours in total bitterness.
  10. I know your absolutely right but they to a man almost jumped at the chance to smash us, I want them finished.
  11. Aye he's a Muslim Arab Israeli?? must have some sort of anti papist agenda lurking.
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