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Everything posted by allyharp

  1. Cooking beans the lazy way: Open tin of beans Turn on cooker ring Place tin on ring Or, as I've done on the last day of every festival I've been to, don't bother opening them and leave it going until *boom* Beans everywhere!
  2. Won't notice the difference I don't think.
  3. Did they have a Ford Capri in the Professionals?
  4. Line it with tin-foil and go for it (horse) Best idea yet! Cleaning is for women (willy)
  5. Should I make one right now? I'll need to clean the grill. Is it worth it?
  6. I never knew that! But that's it, I'm resigning tomorrow.
  7. was very tasty Today I had a kangaroo burger in Walkabout.
  8. "I seriously advise you no tae dae that again"
  9. 3 mc'used to fund the Ira a week!!!!! That cant be healthy I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say there btw!
  10. loool have you just been looking for vids of fat kids?
  11. That's so cruel... but he's fat so it's ok.
  12. it varies a lot. my parents usually get a curry a bit more often than once every 2 weeks. Whether I have one depends on when i'm working. I eat about 3 Mcdonalds meals a week tho.
  13. wearing dirty ones would probably have been the better option -_-
  14. They don't even sell it round my way.
  15. I've never tried spam actually
  16. Funny that Jadams. I still remember the text you sent on the night we were going to see them. "Ally I've been working so haven't played Halo all day. Plus I have too much money to burn so I'm not coming to the gig" what a waste of a ticket! oh yea, ?14 down the drain. Il be completly honest, i like one nightwish song..and i dont even know whats its called Heavy metal > goth rock nemo Probably that one he liked. I quite like Dark Chest of Wonder.
  17. my favourite currecny site is oanda.com They used to have a Big Mac price index to tell you the price all over the world!
  18. Washing his hair. I don't believe that. I saw him yesterday. Doesn't look like he's been near a soap product for at least 3 weeks.
  19. I'll go unless I'm working. So put me as a possibly because I can't be bothered getting my phone to check my shifts right now.
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