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Everything posted by Bovril

  1. The club should be paying what is sustainable and taking into account the current economic climate - if the club had £20 million recently and now only has £10 million maybe some folk should be offering to take wage cuts until stability is achieved.
  2. Sorry for not keeping up (I'm trying) - WHO actually appointed Green as a Consultant, or did he appoint himself?
  3. Scouts should really be identifying players who would made an immediate impact and THEN possibly be sold later at a vast profit e.g Jelavic (us), Wanyama (them) - deals like that are great for the bank balance. Youth should come from your football academy via a network of youth scouts - I doubt that the guys who spotted the potential of Jelavic weren't down the local park watching 9-11 year olds
  4. Feeling under pressure now Maybe one day I will have something to say - until then I'll enjoy the banter.
  5. But why stop people from starting a thread - if its rubbish no one will reply or add to the discussion....just my opinion....
  6. Was is something I said? I have never been a member of a forum which prevents newcomers form posting, and I have been in plenty over the years in a wide range of interests. Its a bit unfair and elitist....are newcomers not qualified enough, or do we have to absorb the rules of bickering and slanging that takes places in lots of threads on here.....
  7. He seemed a players player - a real salt-of-the-earth type. A sad loss.
  8. First post. Used to visit this site just to catch up with news and get some informed opinions. Obviously Ally is not bigger than the club - however, no previous Rangers manager has ever had to work under such difficult circumstances. With the current uncertainty in the Boardroom what we need first and foremost is continuity in the dugout. Promotion will come, it has to, and maybe down the line when the boardroom situation is sorted then we can analyse whether or not Ally will be able to deliver success in the top tier.
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