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Everything posted by CrackFox

  1. So hard man and ex-sellic supporter Sandy has come out from behind Mr Houston at last.His first public act? To threaten another Bear on Twitter who doesn`t agree with SOS,Craig Houston,Sandy Chugg`s behaviour towards our club. Believe what you like but I read exchange and it was a blatant attempt to intimidate/silence/threaten a fellow Bear who opposes SOS.True colours coming out now and if there should be ANY violence between Bears make no mistake about who is ultimately responsible.Chris Graham,Craig Houston,Sandy Chugg. These people need to get as far away from our club as possible.I suggest Parkhead,they have a history of intimidating and bullying their own fans.
  2. fuck you collymore you cunt! no more dignified silence from Bears,we will pursue you cunts at every turn.If I knew how to upload a pic to this site I`d show you the BBC complaint reply I received.BBC are getting clued up it seems,mentioned SC`s Falklands jibe and said he will not be appearing on MOTD and no plans that he will appear.Job done hopefully and another Rangers hating bastard in the media is exposed.
  3. not quite panned out how you expected it,has it bum boy Lawwell! We all know he`s a bum boy but no one in the press will print it. Get rid of Gers,easy league wins+CL but it`s blown up in yr face! Who`s gonny buy a season ticket at the Paedo Dome now? Ha ha.
  4. get this tae fuck outta here,Some so called Bears obsessed with the manky mob! Who gives a fuck what they do?
  5. both accounts of craig houstons 's,one posted and @SonsofStruth not replying to questions,no denial,been asked by many Bears on twitter since around 8pm and all silent.I queried origin,was told guy is from Renfrew and good pal of `shugg`.Past tweets in the account show that.Tweets are from 2 yrs ago so not a set up. Seems pretty conclusive to me and if not he can sue,RFFF will pay his fees no doubt.
  6. you`re just looking for an argument mate,can we call it a draw and leave it now please?
  7. odds on you get blocked mate,every one else has.
  8. since when did replying to you become compulsory on Rangers Media? I must have missed that.You thick or what? Said I couldn`t be arsed posting the rest,said it 3 fucking times now and your still having a dig at me.People like you are the reason I couldn`t be arsed cos I knew unless I had his fucking ticket signed by him I`m gonna get shit!
  9. believe that was/maybe still is his personal account.Uses SOS account since last year. Asked guy who found this originally `are you 100% sure it`s legit?` replied `how many guys from renfrew named craig houston that is pals with famous ex casual shugg (he used full name) do you know?` Guy is 100% Bear,blocked by SOS so got others to tweet question re this to him but no reply then account locked as I said earlier.
  10. also nice one Goat for posting pictorial evidence.Like I said to the brain of Britain `I couldn`t be arsed`.
  11. yes I couldn`t capture bottom part about London,so meant going back,cropping etc but tits on here just don`t want to believe their Messiah might not really be their Messiah.His very friendly connections to celtic fans is odd too.
  12. you can read but missed the bit that said `I can`t be arsed posting it?` Why? because I`m getting shit from the Union of Fannies backers so waste of time posting any more.Evidence is enough,what do you want his ticket to the game? Do what you like I don`t care.
  13. how am I a crackpot for asking if Rangers supporters would consider flying abroad to watch celtic? You have already lost mate by making an extreme allegation and trying to link it to me (celtic fan) interesting you went to the trouble to use a capitol c actually. Posting something that might be useful information to Bears wondering whether to renew or not and who to trust,is not character assassination. Craig Houston`s private,personal views are none of mine or anyone else`s business but when he is trying to hurt the club I love and being disrespectful to the greatest manager we ever had,I feel he is in the public domain and that was his choice not mine. I tried reasonable discussion with him about the use of Mr Struth`s name.His reply was that it was the same as using King Billy. If you figure that out let me know
  14. can you read mate? he is discussing possibly going to Barca with a celtic group,discussing it with his celtic mate.I said initially there is no proof he went,maybe you missed that bit.Considering going on such a trip,sitting on a plane with those manky bastards while they sing FoA or ira songs! I`m sure we would all consider a trip like that!
  15. yes mate RFFF were going to pay his legal costs to fight our club.
  16. you must be a member of SOS obviously,Sucker!
  17. people,what people? Craigs arsehole lickers? the Union of Fannies.Couldn`t give a toss what people like you think. I was selling programmes outside Ibrox at 9yrs old with my dad and my grandad. Real Bears,true Rangers men would not try to destroy the club and they sure as fuck wouldn`t even consider travelling with a big group of manky bastard celtic supporters.You give yr money to the trust.Hope MD runs off with the lot!
  18. ooooh can tell by yr picture yr well hard mate,piss off tosser!
  19. Davidcampbell @davegc76 `Barca away 3 night stay for £200 a head, I`ll be havin that!` Craig Houston @houstie73 taking Jacquie? Davidcampbell @davegc76 `naw me n Kieran` Craig Houston @houstie73 `mint. I might come with ben. there is more but can`t be arsed posting it as too many on here don`t really give a fuck. Thread finished as far as I am concerned.
  20. not mark dingwall,some guy from Renfrew called Craig Houston,pal of Shugg somebody
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