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Posts posted by 8Ace

  1. But I'll bet there are a lot of Rangers fans who would take a salary cut down to ONLY £400k if was to help the Rangers.

    I find it strange that an untried, rookie manager would receive top dollar regardless of division. Top dollar should be commensurate with experience.

  2. business works with people investing. It's that simple mate. The people wanting to run rangers have put next to fuck all in and would not take the initial risk in running rangers. Why the hell should they just be allowed to March right on in? Its like me trying to take over coca cola when I own 39 quids worth of shares. I would be chased out the door.

    They could have bought shares like many others and then if they wanted to try and take over, many normal bears like me might have respected them. But they are "rangers men" I guess. My arse.

    How much did CG put in? £25k? Higher? Lower?

    Remind me how much he walked away with?

  3. Does the Leggo-muncher have an alibi?

    His Maw (she of the different name) was in the main stand of the Jimmy Savile Arena at the time so the chances of it being anyone other than a fan of Bheast FC are slim to none.

    It happened in the stadium??? Even more fuck sake.

  4. I'm not keen on king as he is a bit dodgy and has the potential to be a new SDM

    However he has spent money so that puts him way ahead of Minico

    If he does join the board it's curtains for Minico and back to the drawing board for mini.

    Mini has probably already been on the phone to king asking if he can ditch McColl and jump ship.

    A bit dodgy? You must really detest the Easdales then?

  5. Would love it if she was found tonight and watch you rebels try to squirm up another crazy comparison

    Jamie Bulgar next?

    I would like nothing better than for her to be found.

    I could have used another example of a case where there was a clear lack of evidence to confirm if a crime had been committed. I thought that was a clear a prominent example, but I apologise if I have offended anyone.

  6. Did you just compare your mental conspiracy theory, to the abduction, and possible murder of a young girl?


    That seems like a reasonable comparison to you?

    Again, REALLY?

    Surely the abduction and murder of the girl is also just a conspiracy theory? Until the availability of proof to prove or disprove, that is. Obviously.

  7. I didn't know anything about that, and frankly I dont know what to make of it. Are you suggesting that CG is still pulling the strings at Ibrox via some security company?

    I'm sure he set up that GS along with a few other sub-companies of Rangers. He will be making money from Rangers for a long time yet.

  8. eh?...none of the two articles as specifically brought up by the OP mentions anything about any sub companies. The DR trys to make CG out as a some kind of highwayman by using terms such as "loot" and "shameless". Maybe he was maybe he wasn't - either way he is done and dusted at Ibrox.

    Additionally a very rich footballer - who accrued many bonuses for essentially just winning some games (er....his job) moaning about getting bonuses for nothing smacks of the highest hypocrisy.

    Sorry to break this to you...


    Mr C. Green and Mr B. Stockbridge. Would that be Colin Green?

    I totally agree with you about BF.

  9. So Jesus did turn water in to wine and we have to believe he worked miracles.

    Ergo you will believe in 'divine intervention' from the Messiah Murray then?

    So supposing you are correct and that this has been one brilliantly orchestrated con....is it still happening. Are the current board syphoning off millions.

    Will Murray and Co do any better?

    I think there are a few thing in the accounts that could point to what would be classed as syphoning off millions. 25% IPO costs? IPO funds being used to pay back the investors, in effect the club paying for itself to have been bought over?

    And as I have said previously, none (as far as I'm aware) of the proposed board members have track records with this sort of thing like the CW/CG lot.

    But the main thing is, if those supporting the current board (put in place by CW/CG) have been misled and are found to have backed the wrong horse, what does the future of Rangers look like?

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