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Posts posted by 8Ace

  1. I know it's not related but I found this tweet from a Celtic fan rather excellent, for many reasons

    @Tighe77: @alpha_beatt Douglas can you look at the trialists rule for me please to see if you agree that sevco on Friday night played Daly and Law in>

    @Tighe77: < @alpha_beatt their 4th league game when rules say 3 league games and 1 cup game i.e. ramdams cup game.If I am right there win is illegible


    Illegible? Aye not half (tu)

    Sounds like you have found Charlie Nickerless on Twitter.

  2. Muirhead mate you do realise that celtic appointed a ceo that knew what the fuck he was doing

    So far all mccoll has stated is that he wants blin and murray in, one with little history in football and definitely not a fan, and the other with a more that questionable past with regards to our club

    Do you really think that if and when Blin and Murray get on the board, that will be the end of it and it will just be left to turn to shit?

  3. Straight up simple question,

    Lately all we have heard is that green and co are bad for us, take our money till we are skint etc etc, but for the life of me i cannot find any reason to think that murray and mccoll would be good for us

    Can anyone shed some light as to why these guys are our supposed saviours AGAIN

    JM does not need to rape the club for his own financial gain. He is a self made billionaire who I would imagine knows his way around a boardroom table. FB is his fixer who I would imagine he trusts implicitly.

    What benefits could they possibly bring to a football club that has been put through the mill, or even any company that they chose to direct their attention to, for that matter. Answers on a postcard please.

    You will notice that I have made no reference to PM.

  4. He took the job on an interim basis after Green left to allow a suitable candidate to be found, then everyone on the board including Walter Smith decided that he'd done such a good job he deserved the role permanenty.

    I don't really see the issue.

    Exactly. I don't believe many of the board are suitable candidates for the positions they are in. Just because someone invests money in a company doesn't make them suitable candidates to run the thing.

    Can you tell me who on the board is of similar stature to Jim McColl of Frank Blin?

  5. Even if that's correct what exactly has he done wrong in the job?

    He might not have done anything wrong as such, he just should never have been appointed in the first place. Not doing anything wrong, and being of suitable calibre for the position and being able to drive the company forward, are two completely different things.

    No harm to the guy. Questions should be asked of those involved in the selection process. He seems to have got the gig purely because he was on the scene. Right place at the right time. Another posted stated elsewhere that apparently he didn't really want the job but that he took it to stop someone else getting it. Is that the kind of people you want in charge at Rangers?

  6. We're going round in circles here, Jim McColl is a chancer IMO. You clearly disagree. That's me done here.

    I am not aware of going in round in any circles. I made a point that you disagreed with and then I asked you to clarify what point you disagreed with? Fair enough the that we disagree, but it would be nice if you could at least explain yourself as to why you disagree with me.

    So, Jim McColl, a successfull self made billionaire, is a chancer? Okay then.

    I can't say the same for Paul Murray, but the chance to have guys like McColl and Blin involved with the club in any way should not be overlooked.

  7. Sorry but I cant take you seriously after that first sentence.

    Are you referring to my clear typo in having typed "with" instead of "without"? Or do you disagree that he has managed to actually do plenty without buying shares? Or is it the fact that he hasn't invested any of his hard earned cash so therefore he should be excluded from doing what he can, in the way he knows how, to help the club?

  8. So what agenda driven memory do you have?

    That whyte got to admin before hmrc enforcing it to allow d&p in? Correct.

    That once the judge ruled d&p were in hmrc complained and it dragged on for days before hmrc stood down on this one?

    Whyte won a race to get d&p in that is it... nothing more.

    D&p have been investigated and I am sure bdo would have said something before now.

    So you agree on that? Why would it be of any benefit to him to win that race?

  9. If he had genuine concerns why not buy shares so he can have power to do something about it?

    He seems to be doing plenty about it without having bought shares. His experience, knowledge, contacts and business acumen would be invaluable to Rangers. Nobody comes close to him or Frank Blin on the current playing field. That is the level that we should be operating at.

  10. Apart from all those who investigated it you mean?

    But as fishing attempts go it is very minor league, as is to be expected.

    While it may have been investigated and nothing illegal or untoward found, it still doesn't mean that the situation wasn't directed in the desired path. Why would Whyte want "his people" in place to handle the process. At the time, this was seen as him getting one over on HMRC, if I remember correctly?

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