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Posts posted by 8Ace

  1. omg you need to pay attention and watch as they come out in groups for their shifts...................wow are you involved with them :7325:

    They only appear on this forum when they have been primed to go on and stir it up, if you can't see that then please pay attention. They're are shite at it as they use the same insults , dead give away.

    You are really coming across as the annoying drunk at the party who is slevvering the same shite over and over, bumping into people and knocking things over. :D

    Since I haven't long joined this forum, I didn't know what all the fuss was about with people asking for your ban to be revoked. Do they just think what you tell them?

  2. btw I post what I think not what a shite group post after they get together.

    So you are the only person that can think for yourself, but anybody else who has a differing viewpoint is only speaking the opinion of one particular forum/person that you have an unhealthy obsession with?

    How does that work, exactly?

  3. I will take Blin on the board, mini me forget it and leave Craig Mathers as the CEO. The other board appointment I would like to see is Richard Gough, Captain during the NIAR years, past captain, intelligent, articulate and connections in Scotland, Sweden, South Africa and North America. Rangers blood running through his veins, He is also great with the fans and very approachable. BUT he does not suffer fools gladly. Just the type of footballing board member that I want

    Fair point about Gough. What pedigree does Mathers have to be in the position he is in? Just because he had a spare million quid doesn't make him qualified to do the job he has landed.

  4. what have mather and smart done to lose their place on the board?

    I can almost understand the stockbridge stuff, and wouldn't be sad to see him go ,FB would most likely be an ideal replacement.

    IMO Mather has done very little wrong, and PM brings nothing at all to the table.

    No harm to Mather, but he is just not Rangers class, is he? A cardboard box making sports agent? I don't know about PM, but FB would be an obvious asset to any company.

  5. A board that appointed Jack Irvine? An FD that can't recall the split between ST money and IPO money? A Board that have blown around £40M inside of 15 months? A Board that brought back an ex CEO in a disastrous "consultancy" role? A Board that still

    cant get a modern day setup in the football operation of the club? A Board that was put in place by an ex Commercial Director who threatened to sue the Club?

    What's not to love?

    It's amazing to think that merely having money to invest in a sure fire money making venture seems to make a person capable of running a football club like Rangers. Nobody seems to have questioned where this money had come from either.

  6. No, he was the finance guy who was ordered by Whyte to cover up the non payments of Tax, and if my source is correct, he is Still employed with us under Stockbridge.

    I was sure he resigned for those very reasons in that he didn't want to be a part of what CW was doing?

    He was involved with the club long before CW came on the scene.

  7. I accept your opinion being pish bud , and acknowledge your right to this..........re his profession well politics play a huge aprt in getting to the top and it's known by certain people that the bid mcoll took came at a very good time for him.

    Getting lucky is a lottery winner who spends it all and ends up skint again. Mr McColl seems to have maintained his fortune and continued to do well for himself. Despite whatever petty nonsensical arguments you might put across.

  8. One got lucky re a bid at the right time the other is an employee used to employ accountant from a bigger firm that his as is shown by the Clubs Accountants.

    Funny thing is guys in Blins line of business will tell you it a great job as it lets you see what the good businesses are and gives you ideas, but very very very few of them have the guts to leave the cosy world they live in.

    Really? One got lucky and the other had a cushy number? So cushy that he worked his way to the very top of his profession?

    What a pile of pish that is. Purely in my opinion of course.

  9. Why is blin this god of all things accounts...................christ you pay his fees and someone down in the basement does the work.

    And why do you think he got to be up top while others do the work? Any company would be glad to have people of the stature of Blin and McColl on board in even the smallest capacity.

    How many people currently involved with the club are on the same level as those two?

  10. Can anyone tell me what Time our ban is over? How many hours will we have to register our new players? and do we need any special permissions from the SFA with the 1st falling on a Sunday?

    I think the SFA will be at mass all day on Sunday.

  11. Anyone unfortunate enough to read the thread Scotland second highest paid manager consider this....

    We regularly slate, rip into, almost criminalise Naismith McGregor et al for fucking off.

    Then you get this slant slagging someone who (once again) demonstrated his undoubted passion for our club and gives the nappy tugging lurkers easy pickings. He stayed. In fact he gave up a lucrative TV career to come back to Rangers and he's staying for the fight. But no - that's no good enough for some. Unbelievable!!

    You can't have it both ways.

    To balance your point, Neil Alexander did the same but was told thanks but no thanks when it came to his contract.

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