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Posts posted by grfc1872

  1. 11 hours ago, Courtyard Bear said:

    You get proper people in place who can squeeze every last drop of available revenue out of the market, couple that with running an efficient business model and run the club within its means. 

    Within its means doesn’t mean we avoid all debt, debt is only a problem when you can’t service it, a proper run Rangers can carry a good serviceable debt. 

    We’re already working on a business model at present 

  2. 5 minutes ago, The Hand Is Red said:

    This is ma first post oan this cite and im scunnert.....Get rid aye that cunt King, and  get someone in that knows what this means to us......the last 6 years our house has been full of fuckin catholic cunts and look where we are now.... thay fuckin tarrier unwashed pedafile bastards will be dancing in the streets tomight and that isnae on. We are the people and its obvoius those in charge are forgeting that. wee need people that will dig in and  fucking put those papish cunts in there  place. am sick aye this shit......wee are the people 

    Calm doon cunts like you won’t solve anything go play with your willy .

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