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Everything posted by skullery

  1. aww give it up , seems like you are desperate to catch Ally out for something
  2. The fans are not enjoying life down in these shitty league , not enjoying having players lower than usual Rangers standard , and are venting their anger at everything and anything connected to Rangers , some fans realize where we are , and are getting on with supporting the team in a positive way , well others are kicking out at everything Ally being the number 1 choice for most of the moaners
  3. what would you have liked him to say ? these teams are shite we will hammer them all , surely you can work out , he is showing some respect to the other teams ,
  4. we will cruise the championship , its a mark of respect to the other teams in the championship , but i have a feeling you know this and are merely attention seeking
  5. I think this is the problem , we are limited financially ,untill we get investment we are not going to compete
  6. in a nut shell will be no money to invest in the team when we get to the SPL on a positive hopefully a bit of harmony and stability with the Board and the fans and management we all pull together in the same direction
  7. never called you a taig , surely drunk just a bit of harmless banter , and i did agree with you the hate part was wrong on my behalf my post was talking about posters who attack everything about Ally 24/7 not just football debates
  8. back tracking feck all , any one can join this forum so i will stick to posters , and i will say it again any poster who comes on here and attacks Ally is such a vile way is fecking scum And what amazes me more is, im now a taig for defending Ally from lies and vile attacks ...truly fecking baffling
  9. i never called any Rangers supporters scum , i said posters and im willing to take the pepsi challenge on the tarrier line ,
  10. ok what would you call posters making up lies about the manager ? can you vouch that these are Rangers supporters , because i dont know any who would act in such a way
  11. ok just for clarification , as everyone says no one hates Ally on here what name shall i give to the obsessive posters , who make up lies exaggerate all facts wages results ect ect ect, attempt to discredit him by cherry picking the slightest word they dont agree with , or the ones who continually post and attack about his posture clothes pall bearer sciaf etc etc , or the one who attack his character with things like he is not a Rangers supporter , so what do we call these posters if not haters ? would scum be ok
  12. Do you think the fans that were backing him were holding the club back
  13. remember everyone moaning and saying no wonder he is winning (well to begin with), anyone could win the SPL with that budget , look at his players wages
  14. Yes i know a lot of Bears who say the football was good under DA , no coincidence our most expensive team played the best football , can compare both sides of that coin
  15. Good article , wiith a few home truths quote........The worst thing about this is that there is a coordinated feel to some of the recent attacks on McCoist and I sincerely hope that those Rangers fans taking part in it are doing so through ignorance rather than complicity. i believe this.../\ been a lot of rubbish posted about Ally and his wages etc , but i see those with an agenda are out to discredit the article , but the bottom line is, he is spot on ...well done
  16. nothing to say Rangers cant get the form back they had before December , or the performance they had against Dunfermeline , then a couple of results in the SC , a wee final to win , then it turns out to be a not a bad year ...but thats just me supporting the team in a positive way....
  17. with me the jury is still out with Ally , but at the moment we are 23 points ahead with an above average goals scored , i know performances since Dec have been poor Dunfermeline aside ,deffo an improvement on last year, but we are running riot in the league beat championship leaders , in a final , still in the SC , would be madness if he was to be replaced with these results , as long as he is getting results he has my backing , which i dont believe is unreasonable .... when i hear some on hear moan , no wonder other fans refer to us as glory hunters
  18. ok how about he has beat the championship leaders how about the scum with a wage bill of 30million cant beat ARBROATH Morton if its so easy to do , or Motherwell getting knocked out , how do you explain that, if its so fecking easy to beat these teams ....take your time now no we dont ...majority of our goals come from open play , not saying we dont play , but you are exaggerating ,
  19. what league game have we lost playing players out of position ? what league game have we lost with shit tactics ? his ability to change a game you said , dont have to go too far back for that sat bringing on temps .... we dont use the long ball all the time its a myth ,
  20. dont you think stopping the scum winning the league at Ibrox was a big test , or beating SPL runners up a big test ,
  21. cheers mate , in order to put the boot in to Ally this has been wiped from the memory of the goldfish loyal
  22. no problem ,maybe next time think before you post
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