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Posts posted by CoopsLaud

  1. Do any of my fellow bears know where I can buy a copy of that old painting, where all the bears are leaving the shipyards in their droves and heading I to our main stand? Really would love to have that framed in the house, or if anybody can post anything of that ilk, or give any info, it would be very much appreciated.

    No Surrender


    ask BoaB tae knock ye up another copy. he's a dab hand wi a brush.
  2. We have been through a couple of terrible seasons to get here as a club but I have every confidence we can turn it up and jump this last hurdle. It's there for us to win and with our fantastic fan-base and habit of winning the odds are in our favour.

    P.S. I ask the usual suspects to not post telling me how Ally is never a manager (AGAIN!) and how we are doomed. Tad repetitive. So...... bit of positivity people. We haven't earned 54 titles and the respect of the footballing world by moaning..... we have earned it by being Aye Ready!

    Anyhow.... how many points will we win the Championship by? I say 10-15.

    56 titles.

    54 at top level. Don't disrespect the teams we have beaten in the last 2 years.

  3. Interesting thread to read through. Think Gogzy asked the most poignant and interesting question. Very ambiguous response.

    Just a wee message from me to the UB lads supposing they are actually members.

    Ibrox is the family home. Taking yer carry oot to party elsewhere cos yer in a huff will only backfire on ye when ye come back to the next party and find yer favourite seat has been claimed by someone else.

    You're family. You know you can always come back. Just don't bitch and moan at those of us who stayed around. You will be bitchslapped... (tu)

  4. Not unreasonable for the OP to ask for a bit of positivity in supporting the manager who will likey be in charge next season.

    Alan Compton's post pretty much sumed it up for me.

    Still, will be interesting to see how Ally fares against the likes of Hearts with their recent results and the likes of Hamilton who can go out and win by 8 goals when really needed.

    Bring on some new faces and the new season.

    Maybe just find it from somewhere to give Ally your full support going into the new season guys eh..?

    Fuck what any other fans think....... Who the fuck are they......!!

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