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Posts posted by CoopsLaud

  1. Hate his style both in his dignified media stances to his managerial approach ... keep winning the trophies? what's he won of note so far compared to what we've got dumped out of? we have a real chance of the Scottish Cup and that can start to define him as a manager - not moving up the leagues playing literally the worst teams in the world with the massive resources we have against them.

    I'm saying he has dealt with the situation well. You are saying you hate his dignified media stances. Seems to me he has been the face of the club while others hid or ran.

    Worst teams in the world have caused upsets all over the world. Massive resources comparative to the competition yes, but having to start a season with a few players because the rest of the team walked away for whatever reason and having to start from scratch is a different call.

    Guy has had a lot to deal with. Done it well considering everything..... (tu)

  2. of Rangers in this hypothetical scenario:

    At a date in the future, the final game of the SPFL approaches. Aberdeen/Hibs/Dundee Utd/Partick Thistle take your pick are one point clear of Celtic at the top. Celtic play the bottom team and we have the top team at Ibrox. We cannot win the league no matter the result.

    Question - do we deliberately lose the game to ensure that Celtic cannot win the League?

    Question - would it make a difference to your answer above depending on which team was top?

    Please be sure that you understand what the words, hypothetical and ensure mean before answering this post.

    What an irritating cunt of a hypothetical pathetic thread.

    Rangers do not deliberately lose a game.

    Makes no difference which team is on top. We are holders of world records to be proud of in their own right.

    Hoping that I was bright enough to understand the words hypothetical and ensure.

  3. Wallace simply because he is consistently a class above.

    Macleod is the best youngster clearly.

    Wouldn't have a problem with Aird getting the award because of the hard work he has obviously done in training and the effort he puts into every game.

  4. If the team show any sign of not being 100% bang up for it after this whingeing bitching build up by Thompson and his twats Ally's gonna get pure fuck.

    Kind of glad he hasn't got involved with their bitching if he's saving it to use on the day. No standing around with hands in pockets that day Ally !!

    Don't see why Ally should be expected to front every statement and issue that comes our way. The press office have been damp fucking squibs these past 2 years.

    Like somebody already said, a statement from the board ripping the arse out of the safety issue with simple facts, would have made their side look like even bigger cunts...

    Looking forward to a thread from BNB on April 12th titled........SUPER ALLY REALLY DID STICK IT TO THE ARABS..!... :7325:

  5. Well as king concedes the board have made public promises on things like Murray park and Ibrox and they would be risking serious legal action to go against that.....no club or company of any kind would ever agree to a fund like this.

    The thing that annoys me about this is how things have been blown out of proportion! From day 1 the majority agreed to give Wallace 120 days before forming an opinion and now King is effectively saying the same thing! Had he just dealt directly with the board in private from the get go we could have avoided the mess of the last few weeks!

    What now for SofS and their supporters?

    Spot on.. (tu)
  6. That's fine I've got no issue with the respect aspect but I can't believe you honestly think us winning these leagues with our wage bill, players and resources against some of the worlds worst teams in the bottom tiers of Scotland is on a par with anything else we won - it's just insanity

    Ps - it wasn't Green that authorised McCoists wages it was the original contract Whyte have him that legally tuped over

    The wages thing is a moot point agreed.

    On a par or not, it's still an achievement under the circumstances. The walk aways. The kids. Free transfers only. I won't knock what he's done as a manager with his hands tied.

  7. I would be in awe of our achievements if we had to go with kids, we never, we spent a fortune to win both leagues.

    I recognise the change alright, it's the worst Rangers team ever, but one that costs more money and has more experience and talent than the opposition it faces.

    You wouldn't boast about winning a race against someone in a wheelchair.

    Probably appreciate your point more if we'd finished 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th.....

    Or are you going to troll out the myth you want us to play the same ticka tacka fitba we played under Eck and Walter..??

  8. Circumstances like full time players with top league experience playing against part-timers?

    Ridiculous post but sums up the mentality of the Ally shits golden eggs brigade.

    No. Was more meaning we almost went under. Lots of players walked away. Youngsters without any experience were forced into the squad.

    I believe in a world of we are who we are but were in a place of we've never been here before at that time.

    Some still believe there wasn't a monumental change. It was an achievement many seem blinded to.

  9. You only have to have the unfortunate experience of catching Sportscene before MOTD to realise how pish Scottish football is, and the pish support it has in the top flight now.

    Would prefer a strong Scottish league than have to move to England.

    Neither of those gonna happen any time soon.

    n.b............. obviously going to be a lot stronger in every way when Rangers are back at the top... (tu)

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