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Prso's headband

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Everything posted by Prso's headband

  1. One will be sold to raise funds and the other will hopefully play in a 3 in the middle. My preference is to move Aribo on and keep Hagi, he’s more marketable, slightly younger and seems to be growing into a leader. Both are inconsistent but I feel like Aribo only really influences games from the front 3 and really was one of Gerrard’s boys, he’s most likely to go in January I think.
  2. Hopefully he’s here and ready to meet the players on Tuesday and the rest when they come back on Thursday. Biggest think for me is his style of pressing, we’ve totally dropped off doing that and it’s costing us, no team in the league can pass round us.
  3. The other two on the list are there if Gio doesn’t take it simple as that, it’s him, there’s far too many prominent journalists going with this the way they did Gerrard to Villa and the fact that some noise is coming from the Dutch media means he must be speaking to them too. Btw it’s not very often you get an upgrade on a manager mid-season when the one you have ups sticks out of the blue
  4. I don’t believe that for a minute. That’s the definition of click bait pish. Gio fever
  5. Am I missing something here or is that no a guy called purdie posting that and not Mols? Whatever social media that is am clearly no on it😂
  6. If Dutch media are going on about Gio wanting the job etc we have to be in touch with him surely
  7. I wouldn’t be adverse to the likes of Knutsen or Lampard IF it was next season and we’d bagged the CL money. However it’s not next season and I honestly think our best chance is a manager who has won things, who knows the club and is available right now and the only candidate is GVB. Now I know Wilson is in charge of it I feel like it’ll be a left field appointment, Knutsen or Farke which doesn’t fill me with that much confidence
  8. Fuck Michael Beale anol btw, classless cunt uploading pictures in London, he knew exactly what was happening.
  9. His statement is pathetic haha. He’s never a Ranger. The only reason this becomes relatively manageable for the fans etc is if we win the league this season and maybe attitudes towards him mellow in the next 10+ years. But right now he’s a lying snakey rat bastard who has no morals and only cares about himself
  10. Fuck Steven Gerrard, a coward and a selfish rat. Imagine not even saying anything to the players just hop on a train to London like you’re a free agent
  11. The board would gain a lot of good will and the galvanisation of the club would be in full swing if we managed to get Gio in by Monday. Btw I’m quite happy to go in wae an interim for one game only IF it meant getting Gio but if we’re going interim for 2-3 weeks to end up with some nonsense like McInnes they can forget it
  12. I hope he doesn’t mention us at all in his press conference. It’ll make the fans even more irate he’s an absolute cunt of a man, for a man that carried himself so well, he was only ever interested in himself
  13. Funny thing is that he’ll actually have a chance of playing in the premier league now. For 6 months
  14. Seems like Gio is the only real option to keep our season alive imo. From Ferguson to Holloway nobody else really comes close to what we need at the moment
  15. Mrs just said we’d be better wae Ricky Martin, even she knows
  16. Ad take Marvin fae the fucking scheme over Russell Martin
  17. Also I’m very guilty of this so far but let’s remember our squad is very good and we’ve often wanted the shackles took off them to an extent to showcase their attacking talent. I think the squad suits Gio to a tee and players like Bacuna will flourish under him. You can tell I’ll be disappointed if this doesn’t happen haha
  18. I think now Gerrard is gone the board and players will be happy for some to move on. I’d say to him sell who or what you want in January and we’ll reinvest roughly half of it. Fag packet maths Kamara and Goldson bring in a combined £20m you get 6-8 to spend. Win the league and his transfer kitty rises significantly for the summer.
  19. Btw the more I read about Gio it’s a clear upgrade on Gerrard.
  20. There is some element of truth in it. IIRC Aberdeen had two games in hand and played them both at home in a week. 4 points would’ve took them top and the drew both
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