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sammy cox

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Everything posted by sammy cox

  1. Funny how you once again single out Halliday who Iam sure only played in three full games with Barton in the league and even Holt who I don't think even had a game with Barton in the league but fail to mention the pish poor performances from Wallace,Mckay and Miller who all played in every game with Barton.
  2. Just out of curiosity who would you say was to blame for the goal if you think anyone is to blame.
  3. Said before MW isn't the first and wont be the last manager to get things wrong in bringing players to the club.If all true that Barton is moving on it is hopefully and should be a lesson learned by all involved.
  4. As I say its all about opinions you and others are entitled to yours and I and others are entitled to ours,thats what its all about after all.
  5. Yes seriously but as I say its all about opinions I and a few others could be wrong then again we could be right.Thats the power of opinion that's what these forums are all about.
  6. Well as I say its all about opinions I and plenty round about me thought that Halliday played well in the recent game against the scum and a few others played well, but as I say its about Barton and everyone has their own opinions.
  7. Its all about opinions but for some it wont matter what Halliday does he wont be good enough.My point is there have been plenty who have been worse this season than Halliday but Halliday is the one who is singled out. Why not Wallace who has been until the last game poor all season and was turned inside out in the 5-1 game by that shit Forest or Mc Kay who wasn't at the races again or Windass who after the recent semi admitted himself that he had been poor.there haven't been many if any who have been any better than Halliday but for some its just down to him.Anyway don't want to go down this path about Halliday the thread is about Barton and it is all about opinions.
  8. Not sticking up for Halliday but who might these handful be who performed well in big games.They were all pish in the final against Hivs, they were all pretty pish against the scum in the 5-1 game, the semi against the scum the other week I wouldn't have said there were many if any played any better than Halliday.We are where we are in the league also not down to Halliday not playing well as some suggest but the whole team/squad have not been performing well not just Halliday as some think the case to be.
  9. Ye that will be up to both him and the management.They are the only people who can make the decisions . Time will tell.
  10. Totally mate.Plenty wanted a Barton signed to protect the back four. Regrettably it hasn't worked out but as you say hindsight is a wonderful thing.We will and have to move on and put this saga behind us.
  11. Perhaps the dreamers know that there is still a lot of hard work still to be done,perhaps the dreamers also know there is no Rangers mad billionaire just bursting to give his money away for no return,perhaps the dreamers also know that the manager has made mistakes ( Barton ) being one to keep us on track but perhaps they also know that the manager isn't the first and doubtful if he will be the last Rangers manager to make mistakes.Perhaps the dreamers know all this but its the realists who need to take a look at themselves and get into the real world outwith the internet world of football.Just an opinion of course.
  12. Theres plenty on the same page mate,thousands who go along to the games and know that there is a lot of hard work still to be done and who don't live in the fantasy world of RMF.Yes they will not be happy at getting beat and the way the team has played but they know what is required and they also know there is no quick fix" lets spend our way out of everything with the money we don't have " mentality which is cultured by some.Now that you've mastered the management skills you need to move up to the boardroom and start telling self made millionaires what to do with their money another piece of life on RMF that so many know about .
  13. Now your learning football management according to the experts on RMF fairly simple isn't it don't see what all the bother and fuss is about.If you don't win the SPL in your first season of competing in it then you are out the door.I can just see the line of good managers lining up for that job.
  14. He will never be good enough for some, I mean a Rangers manager who has lost to the scum and lost a Scottish cup final something that no other Rangers manager has ever been bad enough to do. All these disasters while spending tens of millions into the bargain.Welcome to the fantasy world of Rangers media forum.
  15. If he's going well get rid asap.Whether they get anything or not as long as they get him off the wage bill.Mistake made but not the first by a Rangers manager that's cost the club.
  16. Fuck them a shower of fucking rubbish found out for what they are.
  17. For a team with a relegation battle on their hands why on earth would they even think about Ally.Said when he was at the Rangers,couldnt buy his way out of trouble and certainly couldn't manage his way out so what Kilmarnock are thinking if theres any truth in it I don't really know.
  18. Surely not.It's in the Sun right enough another fucking rag like the DR.
  19. I doubt if there isn't any Rangers fan having a good laugh about those cunts failing to lift yet another treble as they thought from the off it would be treble after tremble when we went down.Whether a goal comes in the 1st minute or the last minute of a game if it gets the result that's required that's all that matters.Ask any scum supporter today when scoring a goal counts.
  20. If Carlsberg did weekends this surely would be one of them get it right up that shower of scum
  21. Get it right up the lot of them
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