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Posts posted by bluewhitevanman

  1. Vote snp?? Aye that's right vote them and watch that very party slaughter us. Don't think so I actually hate snp its policies and especially the cunts that vote for them. IMHO if u vote snpish then no way are u a true rangers supporter. Only my opinion of course. Anyway fuck hibs we will get to the final and win it again, hibs won't. 

  2. Defo not starting an ally bashing but the quicker we get rid of his dross Sheils Clark law bell temps and the Shitey loans go back and we can bring in a better quality player, MW will do the business I said on another thread that we don't have the quality players to play his system coz if we did we would rip teams a new 1 every week. Why did he put Clark on? I'm so angry at that wee tit for losing that ball and just walking away instead of trying to win it back. Another thing why can't we do anything with corners but get slaughtered with them regularly? I'm like a lot of ppl just now I'm so fucking angry at losing that today we probably have blown our chance of getting the real quality of player due to not being on Europe now.  King had better get some of the millions he promised would be spent on the squad. we cant have failures this isn't Brentford we are Rangers and losing isn't a fuckin option. 

  3. Had hibs beat any other team none of that would've happened so it just proves after Motherwell and today that it's now ok to goad rangers supporters assault our players and not much will be done about it, we really need our board to keep on top of this until the book is thrown at hibs and not let up about reminding them what scum they are. We can't be stood on no more it's a fight from now 

  4. 31 minutes ago, johnw said:

    Well obviously I didn't see that part. But it's still embarrassing 

    Fucksake u and the ibrox preacher would get on well btw. It was all our fault we lost so we had to let the hibs scum on to celebrate and goad the support and attack our players, I hope we get a 5 million pound fine and hibs get to take our place in the top league. Would that do u? Maybe we wouldn't embarrass u. Fucking shambles the way our own go on at times. Who needs enemies?

  5. 39 minutes ago, THE_Ibrox_Preacher said:

    If the opposition fans charge our end we can demand the authorities do something about it.

    Take to the pitch when your team loses and you not only allow them to get away with it but you add to the violent/thug/scum stories that everyone outside our support likes to tell and propagate.

    If you're an adult and you take to the pitch from our support in a game you've lost you deserve to be banned from football as you putting a target on our club for everyone else to aim at.

    Want to fight, go to a boxing or arrange a fight closed doors with opposition fans where you can avoid dragging Rangers name into disrepute.

    Hibs should get dragged over hot coals for that invasion as would be demanded of us these days but the second a group of Rangers fans take to the pitch the blame can at best be shared and in turn they'll get off with it. In effect we've just gave them a 'get out of jail free' card.


    My fuck the fans haven't even left the stadium and ur turning on ur own support???? Maybe rangers fans shouldn't have went on the pitch but the hibs fans shouldn't have been on the pitch in the first place  punching kicking and goading and assaulting our players and in turn the bears have felt the need to defend the players and support. Who needs enemies when we have folk like u? Uv got the Bears guilty and that's sad. U should stay off RM if uv nothing good to say.

  6. 33 minutes ago, texaslad said:

    Warburton simply does not have the tools for the job,it is and always will be to big for him.

    Bollox get a grip. The players he has just now aren't good enough to play his way 

  7. 7 minutes ago, sassaaaa said:

    It was said on here from a couple of experts that the club offered him a new contract , they never , the media and Barton himself said it nobody from the club said anything remotely near that bullshit.

    Now why would a club who have gave him player of the year and all think he's a great guy not give him a new contract ?

    I think they did offer him a year contract but he wanted 2 and tbh I don't think many BPL clubs will offer 33 year olds a long contract on good money. He will be good for us and I think we need a wee bit of dig in midfield so am quite happy with this. 

  8. 2 hours ago, billscott said:

    what the fuck has that got to do with you   if you want a honest answer i am a football fan and will watch most teams  i am not a bigot like you

    i would also add it was a great game well worth the money and i will go the the 1st leg on thursday as well and i will be at hampden next saturday

    Nothing to do with going to the game mate I think he was asking why u would give any of they 2 teams money? I don't know bee at all so wouldn't call him a bigot, unless u know him personally. Anyway why would u go and give them money when it was in tv?

  9. Good luck to him and wish him well in his career. People slagging the style of football up here and going on about hammer throwers have to remember that he was struggling with sone basics like passing and shooting and making good runs with the ball  and he actually interrupted our play and didn't influence it. GZ should've been running the show up here. I hope he goes on and makes a good career in the game but he wasn't good enough for us imo. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

    Alloa if you can even call it a ground. £20 to stand on a fucking kerb, walk through about 3ft deep mix of ash and muck and that's on a good day.

    Falkirk is also pish. It just looks weird when you get inside, its a shite atmosphere and looking over to what can only be described as Scotland's version of Chernobyl is depressing. 

    Hibs just because its like a 3 mile walk back to the bus:lol:

    Chernobyl :mutley:

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