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Posts posted by bluewhitevanman

  1. Defo Hamilton it looks like an amateur game in TVs it's a disgrace. I watch pollok in the juniors as my bro In law plays way them and I would rather go there and stand as its a nice grass pitch than go to accies. 

  2. 1 hour ago, loyalfollower said:

    Wouldn't want him back. The only guy I'd take back is Macleod who some do t really rate on here but he's a match winner and is brilliant at switching play and is full of energy. Was a brilliant prospect and had it not been for Ashley's cunts would e been a pivotal player this season

    Come on mate we don't want or need players who are always injured. A decent wee player though but no where near good enough for our team now. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Dutchy said:

    Yeah, I remember seeing a BBC program, My Blue Heaven, when McLeish was with us and one of the episodes was about youths that had been let go by the club.

    Not all of them dealt with it well in their lives after Rangers. In fact, some never kicked a ball again.

    Mind that blue heaven and the boy John Johnston he plays junior football real blue nose so is his dad, he played way Ma bro in law at Cumnock juniors for 2 years he wasn't a bad player and sure he plays for ardrossan winton. 

  4. 1 hour ago, simon said:

    Honestly, I am so sick of reading this pish.  We are Rangers, not Warburton FC. 

    He is a fantastic manager and has done wonders for the club, but he will go at somepoint and we will continue. I'd like him to stay here for a while, but if he doesn't that's his choice. I really can't stomach the constant stream of will he won't he guff that is spewed out. 

    Don't agree with this at all really. After the shite we have had to endure the last 4 years is it any wonder that when we get a competent manager who knows a player when he sees 1 and speaks so well at media time, has took us up at the first attempt a Scottish cup final and possibly Europe as a championship team. Is it really any wonder that we are a we e bit concerned that he leaves???? I like thousands more fans want the best for the club and he is the best thing to happen since souness imo. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, North Antrim Bear said:

    They're certainly more than capable of it. I like to see the best in humanity, hence why I hope it would be a fake. You're probably right though. Scum.

    I like ur angle and do agree however when it's us that concern them then nothing would surprise me at how low they would go. That grey and green hoops is a real one with a real horrible fat tink in it. The west of Scotland is a shithole and the good Protestant unionist people are second class citizens 

  6. 2 minutes ago, 6superbarry6 said:

    McKay was immediately made an important first team player so clearly if the gaffer rates you then there is a pathway to the first team,with our whole footballing philosophy changing there will be loads of players who simply cannot adapt to our new style of play,Luca will be far from the last to go

    Listen if it benefits Rangers then it suits me end of. I just think he doesn't rate what we have in the youngsters,only my opinion of course. MW has forgotten more about football than any of us on here know if Luca isn't good enough then so be it we will get someone who is good enough.

  7. 3 minutes ago, 6superbarry6 said:


    1 out of how many??? U should have known that i meant on the whole he doesn't rate what we have at that level. U coming back with 1 player means nothing. 

  8. 1 hour ago, BEE said:

    Raging about this, consistently got player of season every time we loaned him out - what's the point in the loan system if we just release the player regardless of performance?

    Agree with this he should've been in the team for 5/6 games and a pre season under MW then taken it from there.  I don't think MW rates any of the young  players he has seen

  9. 6 hours ago, kaiser1041 said:

    Interesting contrast between Everton fans reaction to this tragedy as opposed to under the breath cowardly shit our neighbors deem acceptable 

    To true mate but that's the scum all over and I don't expect anything different. I'm 

  10. 35 minutes ago, Smile said:

    What i noticed most after the filth game was the amount of supporters who didn't take any of the games seriously anymore like we were a fucking small club like Hibs or Hearts just happy to win 1in 6 as long as we beat the filth.

    Where were these people smile? I never and haven't seen any  and think ur wrong and shouldn't even think about The Bears  like that. 

  11. 30 minutes ago, scottyscott1963 said:

    Me personally will just enjoy MW while he is enjoying being the boss and building a legacy which will last for years. Could end up with the same scenario as when Souness left us with Walter and we all know hat happened with NIAR. Can see the same scenario that if MW was to leave we would be left with Sir David of Weir and he is a really single minded person and one of us. :uk: 

    Liked ur post until the last bit mate lol DW is not cut out for us I hope we leave the ex players thing alone we have been bitten twice with that.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Sket said:

    You'll have a significantly higher chance of landing one this time though,as they have banned thousands from entering this time. All in the name of fairess, mind ;)

    But some ppl could still miss out twice. Btw I agree everyone should be in with a chance as ppl who got septic game are being punished for doing so but I think the club have done it with the best intentions but have fucked up, then again they shouldn't have agreed to a 50/50 split as hibs don't deserve it and it's the rangers fans who have followed the team through thick and thin all over the country on wet Tuesday nights and all over Europe who are going to miss out and it's not fair at all. If hibs had filled their end for the semi then we couldn't argue but that was a poor show and some of us will suffer as a result of glory hunters.

  13. Some ppl could still miss out on both because I never got the septic game neither did my 2 boys and the way I've read it is that I'm only in the ballot for the final but doesn't mean I'll get drawn in the ballot, otherwise it would've been if u weren't successful for the taig game then u would get 1 for the final so some ppl will miss both. 


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