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Posts posted by bluewhitevanman

  1. Atmosphere will be as good as it can be. It's not the fans that make it a poor atmosphere it's the fact that we can't say or sing anything and can't move off the seat. Ibrox should be bouncing and I would use hibs 4-2 game as an example 


  2. 2 minutes ago, ChesterPerry said:

    I think the bheggars have their own team. Glasgow City as far as I'm aware are the best ladies team out there as I've seen online them in the CL as well as a few of their players playing international level.

    I genuinely didn't know the tinks had their own team I thought they were Glasgow city, there u go well I hope she does well anyway mate and get her to America the woman over there make some dough. Good luck to ur wee 1 mate 

  3. 1 hour ago, ChesterPerry said:

    Just signed my eldest up to this at Auchenhowie on sundays. Anybody else on here got their daughters enrolled?

    If so what sort of stuff do they coach them? Recently switched my daughter from a boys club to a local girls team

    Hope she gets on well there it must be the best kind of training she will get anywhere. Don't let her fall into the trap of singing for Glasgow city ladies team as I'm sure that's the Celtic version. Good luck with it mate. 

  4. Wasn't the worst player to play for us and always tried 100% no doubt about that and we like people who put in effort for us. Is he coaching or will it be media work? I know he's been on sportscene but bogle eyes pat nevin and Michael Stewart would put u right off working on tv. 

  5. 1 hour ago, SaltnSauce said:

    Okkkaaaaayyyy. Sold out v Celtic in 2001 (50/50). Sold out v Hearts in 2012 (50/50). Sold out v Celtic 2013 (50/50). Took 37,000 againist Livi 2004. Took 35,000 v Killie 2007. Took 30,000 against Ross County last month. 

    With regards to your last point about all season ticket holders deserving one - where do you play future The Rangers v Celtic matches? Wembley? Camp Nou? Maracana? :crywank:


    See above.


    See above.


    100% obviously. 


    Aberdeen? We've had the worst 5 years in our history, they've had the best 3 seasons in there's since the 80s and they're averaging about 3k more than us?



    Not a chance we'll not sell out.


    13k Hibs against Dundee Utd. Thats all our season ticket holders plus another 5k.



    Rangers average this season: 44k
    Ibrox stadium capacity: 51k.

    You not see the obvious mistake :D

    I don't care what they done all the years ago I'm talking about here and now. They took about 11000 to the semi their average home gate is 9000 so as I said before they should get 11/12000 and the loyal fans would get a ticket. Future us v the tramps ( ur smelly cousins) could be played say murrayfield or make that a ballot. Us loyal ST holders at ibrox should never be in a ballot to play the joke team that is hibs if it was hearts I would just about agree with a ballot but not hivs no way. Joke club joke fans joke stadium fucksake ur stadium has been full once and it was rangers v raith rovers that was playing. 

  6. 21 hours ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

    Feel Waghorn will 99% be playing in the final, Forrester might be close but with that type of injury there is no set timeline.   Would love them both to be available.

    Would certainly give us a huge lift going in2 it that's for sure. 

  7. I honestly think that if u have a ST for ur club then u should be guaranteed a ticket for any game at hampden. It should be done as a wee reward for buying a ST instead of being left out for ppl who only go and watch their team when they are doing ok. There's no way this amount of us should be sitting in the house watching it while 14000 hibs fans who are rarely at Easter road get to go, it's a nonsense and can't believe we didn't push for a more favourable split. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, ThatNightInFlorence said:

    It's because it's a cup final they'll sell out not because they're playing us.

    Shite talk mate either that or ur trying to take the piss. Sold out because it's us  and they want to see them beat us that's the sole reason. If they had been playing say Aberdeen in the final they wouldn't have sold out. 

  9. Sold out coz its rangers they are playing. It's s disgrace that they average 8000 at home and had an embarrassing semi final turn out but get 22000, 10000 they should get and then 12000 loyal beats wouldn't be missing out. I said before if ur a ST holder at a Scottish club then u should automatically get a ticket to any game involving ur club at the national stadium. Fuckin joke 

  10. 4 minutes ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

    The proper time to judge him will be this time next season,if he hasn't made the grade then so be it.

    I think u have said this before mate? It's maybe on the other 4 threads. 

  11. Come on rangers get it together we can't have this every week now. We need every1 to stand up and be counted and not throw games away to all the shite that the championship can muster. Get it sorted pronto. A win against the tinks doesn't give us a free pass to slacken up and go into the SC final on a dampener. We could be in Europe a year before we thought so we can't throw it away to hibs. 

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